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Environmentally friendly disc brakes

This research project focus on reducing the environmental impact of passenger car disc brakes in urban traffic. Partners are SAAB Automoble AB and KTH.


The traffic continuously increases in Europe and according to ”White Paper 2001, European Transport Policy, Option C” an 20 % increase of motor traffic is foreseen from 1998 to 2010. The fuel consumption, the particle emission and the noise emission is some of the most important environmental issues in Europe. Higher demands on the personal cars brake performance and lower costs tend to increase the importance of the brake systems, which partly drives the development of disc brakes in opposite direction. Furthermore, higher costumer demands of noiseless brake systems increase the weight of the system. Several studies have shown an association between adverse health effects and the concentration of particles in the atmosphere. Airborne wear particles from disc brakes are one source of PM10 emission in urban environments. Performance and noise demands force many car manufactures to use none environmentally friendly brake pads.

Purpose and goals

The main purpose of this project is to develop concepts for future car brakes with retained or improved performance and quality with reaches the following improved environmental goal:

• Reduction of fuel consumption
• Reduction of particle emission
• Reduction of noise emission


SAAB Automobile AB
KTH Machine Design
KTH Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering


1. Söderberg A and Andersson S (2008) "Simulation of wear and contact pressure distribution at the pad-to-rotor interface in a disc brake using general purpose finite element analysis software", Proc. Nordtrib 2008, 10-14 June, Tampere, Finland

2. Wahlström J, Söderberg A, Olander L, Olofsson O (2008) "A disc brake test stand for measurment of airborne wear particles", Proc. Nordtrib 2008, 10-14 June, Tampere, Finland

Bachelor degree projects

Daniel Asplund och Anders Forsman, ”Lätta bromsok – en studie av möjligheter att konstruera viktoptimerade skivbromsar”, Fördjupningsarbete i Maskinkonstruktion, Institutionen för Maskinkonstruktion, KTH, Stockholm, Maj 2007.

Mikael Bladh och Erik Ladufjäll, ”Tryckfördelning över skivbromsbelägg – en kontaktstudie med finita element metoden”, Fördjupningsarbete i Maskinkonstruktion, Institutionen för Maskinkonstruktion, KTH, Stockholm, Maj 2007.

Joakim Karlsson och Jonas Ljung, ”Robusta bromskolvar – en studie av möjligheten att reducera skivbromsarnas oönskade anliggning”, Kandidatarbete i Maskinkonstruktion, Institutionen för Maskinkonstruktion, KTH, Stockholm, Maj 2008.

Anders Larsson och Erik Lundqvist, ”Bromskänslan – vid reducerad anliggning i skivbroms”, Kandidatarbete i Maskinkonstruktion, Institutionen för Maskinkonstruktion, KTH, Stockholm, Maj 2008.


Page responsible:Infomaster at ITM
Belongs to: Engineering Design
Last changed: Oct 08, 2020
Adhesion in the wheel rail contact
Wear Model
Environmentally friendly disc brakes
Airborne particles