Technology-dependent everyday lives – children living with tracheostomies
This research project aims to provide a child-perspective and new knowledge about how children living with a tracheostomy and their families need adapted support and technical support in order to be an integrated part of the surrounding society
Scientific questions that are intended to be answered through the research project are:
- How is the child's identity, relationships with others close to him and his quality of life affected by the fact that the child is tracheotomized? What kind of relationship does the child and their relatives have with the tracheostomy & tracheal cannula and how does this relationship affect the family's everyday life?
- What deviations occur at home when living with a tracheostomy & tracheal cannula and can they be avoided? What challenges are associated with use & everyday life with a tracheostomy & tracheal cannula? What support do caregivers (parents, siblings and nursing staff) need regarding technology use?
- What requirements specifications should be placed on technology support for technology-dependent children (children with tracheostomy & tracheal cannula) to facilitate the everyday life of children and families? What perspectives are there, for example, on technical solutions to ethical problems? Can technical solutions be designed in such a way that they break barriers between children, young people and the surrounding context?
- What kind of learning is generated by interactive seminars where researchers, parents, nursing staff and engineers share knowledge and experiences about the use and development of technology from an everyday perspective? Is it possible to create interactive learning that integrates health science and medical technology perspectives with each other?
The research project will have an explorative-inductive approach where both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods are relevant. The methods used aim to map the needs of children and families, to develop knowledge about people's active involvement and participation from a nursing and health perspective within high-tech care environments, and how and why innovativeness arises and persists.
Project leader
Project team
Project funding
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