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Lindskog, P. (2016). Reaching at Sustainable Development: Lean in the Public Sector.  (Doctoral dissertation). KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Wramsten Wilmar, M. (2016). Managers in healthcare organizations and their interactions with the media.  (Licentiate dissertation). Stockholm: KTH Royal Institute of Technology.


Ahlstrom, L., Dellve, L., Hagberg, M. & Ahlberg, K. (2016). Women with Neck Pain on Long-Term Sick Leave—Approaches Used in the Return to Work Process: A Qualitative Study. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 1-14.

Andreasson, J., Eriksson, A. & Dellve, L. (2016). Health care managers' views on and approaches to implementing models for improving care processes. Journal of Nursing Management, 24(2).

Bergman, C., Dellve, L. & Skagert, K. (2016). Exploring communication processes in workplace meetings: A mixed methods study in a Swedish healthcare organization. Work: A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation, 54(3), 533-541.

Brorsson, A., Ohman, A., Lundberg, S. & Nygard, L. (2016). Being a pedestrian with dementia: A qualitative study using photo documentation and focus group interviews. Dementia, 15(5), 1124-1140.

Engkvist, I.-L., Eklund, J., Krook, J., Björkman, M. & Sundin, E. (2016). Perspectives on recycling centres and future developments. Applied Ergonomics, 57(SI), 17-27.

Englund, A.-C. -., Rydström, I., Dellve, L. & Ahlstrom, L. (2016). Social support outside work and return to work among women on long-term sick leave working within human service organizations. Applied Nursing Research, 30, 187-193.

Eriksson, A., Holden, R. J., Williamsson, A. & Dellve, L. (2016). A Case Study of Three Swedish Hospitals' Strategies for Implementing Lean Production. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 6(1), 105-131.

Halvarsson Lundkvist, A., Lindskog, P., Ståhl, J., Andersson, K., Melin, M., Barth, H.,  . . . Eklund, J. (2016). Conditions Enabling Development in National Lean Programmes. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.

Karltun, J., Vogel, K., Bergstrand, M. & Eklund, J. (2016). Maintaining knife sharpness in industrial meat cutting: A matter of knife or meat cutter ability. Applied Ergonomics, 56, 92-100.

Lind, C. (2016). Pushing and pulling: an assessment tool for occupational health and safety practitioners. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 1-13.

Lind, C. & Rose, L. (2016). Shifting to proactive risk management: Risk communication using the RAMP tool. Agronomy Research, 14(2), 513-524.

Lindskog, P., Hemphälä, J. & Eriksson, A. (2016). Lean in healthcare: Engagement in development, job satisfaction or exhaustion?. Journal of Hospital Administration, 5(5), 91-105.

Lindskog, P., Hemphälä, J. & Eriksson, A. (2016). Lean Tools Promoting Individual Innovation in Healthcare. Creativity and Innovation Management.

Lindskog, P., Vänje, A., Törnkvist, Å. & Eklund, J. (2016). Sustainable Lean in psychiatry?: Assessment through socio-technical principles. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 8(1), 53-71.

Schmidt, L., Gunnarsson, K., Dellve, L. & Antonsson, A.-B. (2016). Utilizing occupational health services in small-scale enterprises: a 10-year perspective. Small Enterprise Research.

Strömgren, M., Eriksson, A., Bergman, D. & Dellve, L. (2016). Social capital among healthcare professionals: A prospective study of its importance for job satisfaction, work engagement and engagement in clinical improvements. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 53, 116-125.

Williamsson, A., Eriksson, A. & Dellve, L. (2016). Organization of change agents during care process redesign in Swedish health care. Journal of Hospital Administration, 5(3), 20-32.

Wramsten Wilmar, M., Dellve, L., Ahlborg, G. & Jacobsson, C. (2016). Healthcare managers and media attention: a qualitative study of support and actions during media attention.

Conference papers

Forsman, M., Yang, L. & Lind, C. (2016). Practical objective measurements for sedentary time and body postures using Excel and iOS.  In: Preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders in a global economy: Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at Ninth International Scientific Conference on the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (PREMUS) (pp. 61-61).

Håkansson, M., Forsman, M. & Nyman, T. (2016). Sustained low physical exposure in a lean process plant.  In: : . Paper presented at PREMUS 2016, the 9th International Scientific Conference on the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders.

Lind, C. (2016). An OHS practitioner tool for improving pushing and pulling operations.  In: Preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders in a global economy - Book of Abstracts: . Paper presented at Ninth International Scientific Conference on the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (PREMUS) (pp. 138-138).

Lind, C. & Rose, L. (2016). Facilitating improvement measures in manual handling using the RAMP-tool.  In: Preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders in a global economy - Book of Abstracts: . Paper presented at Ninth International Scientific Conference on the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (PREMUS) (pp. 137-137).


Dellve, L. & Eriksson, A. (2016). ETT ARBETSMATERIAL FÖR ATT STÖDJA Hållbart och hälsofrämjande ledarskap i vardag och förändring. 

Nyman, T., Eklund, J., Larsson, I. & Rose, L. (2016). "Utvärdering av BuildSafe": Ett digitalt system för säkerhetsarbete i byggbranschen.