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Publications from the unit of Ergonomics for 2012


Antonsson A-B., Christensson B., Berge J., Sjögren B. (2012) Fatal carbon monoxide intoxication after acetylene gas welding of pipes. Annals of occupational hygiene (in press)

Brännmark, M, Langstrand, J., Johansson, S., Halvarsson, A., Abrahamsson, L., Winkel, J. 2012 Researching Lean: Methodological implications of loos definitions. Quality Innovation Prosperity, 16 (1) , pp. 35-48  Access

Brännmark, M., Benn, S. (2012), ”A Proposed Model for Evaluating the Sustainability of Continuous Change Programmes”, Journal of Change Management (vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 231-245).

Brännmark, M. (2012), ”Engagemang – Tillgång eller hot i arbetet med Lean?”, Kvalitetsmagasinet (no. 3, s. 25-28) 

Brännmark, M., & Håkansson, M. (2012). Lean production and work-related musculoskeletal disorders: overviews of international and Swedish studies. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41(0), 2321-2328. Access

Dellve L, Ahlborg T. Partner relationships and long-term sick leave among female workers: consequences and impact on dimensions of health and return to work. Scand J Caring Sci. 2012 Dec;26(4):720-9.  Abstract Epub 2012 Apr 20.

Skagert, Dellve, Ahlborg. A prospective study of managers' turnover and health in a healthcare organization. J Nurs Manag. 2012 Oct;20(7):889-99. Abstract Epub 2011 Dec 29.

Morberg S, Lagerström M, Dellve L. The school nursing profession in relation to Bourdieu's concepts of capital, habitus and field. Scand J Caring Sci. 2012 Jun;26(2):355-62Abstract Epub 2011 Nov 14.

Arman, R., Wikström, E. & Dellve, L.  Structuration in Managerial Communication Processes. Scand J Public Adm 2012 (accepted august)

Lindgren, Bååthe, Dellve. Why risk professional fulfilment: a grounded theory of physician engagement in healthcare development. Int J Health Plann Manage. 2012 Nov 21. doi: 10.1002/hpm.2142 

Holmgren, Ekbladh, Hensing, Dellve. The combination of work organizational climate and individual work commitment predicts return to work in women but not in men. J Occup Environm Medicine (JOEM) 2012 (accepted december)

Ahlström, Dellve, Hagberg. Rehabilitation activities, work ability and return to work among female workers on long-term sick leave. J Occup Rehabil. 2012 Oct 13. [Epub ahead of print]

Eklund, J., & Karltun, J. (2012). Ten years of experience from interactive ergonomics projects. Proceedings of the IEA 2012 in Recife, Brazil February 2012. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41(0), 4862-4865. Access

Hemphälä, H., Eklund, J. (2012). A visual ergonomics intervention in mail sorting facilities: Effects on eyes, muscles and productivity, Applied Ergonomics 43(1), 217-229.

Hemphälä, H., Hansson, G.-Å., Dahlqvist, C. and Eklund, J. (2012). Visual ergonomics interventions in mail sorting facilities. Work, 41, 3433-3437. Abstract

Theorell T. Nyberg A, Leineweber C, Magnussson-Hanson L, Oxenstierna G, Westerlund H.(2012) Non-Listening and Self Centerd Leadership – Relationships to Socioeconomic Conditions and Employee Mental Health.  PlOs 7(9): e44119. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044119

Oxenstierna G, Elofsson S, Gjerde M, Magnusson-Hanson L, Theorell T. (2012) Workplace Bullying, Working Environment and Health. Industrial Health, 50, 180-188  Access

Rose, L (2012) Risk management project for work with precast concrete shells. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41(0), 4157-4162. Access

Schmidt Lisa, Sjöström John, Antonsson Ann-Beth (2012) How can occupational health services in Sweden contribute to work ability? Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41(0). 2998-3001 Access

Vogel, K. (2012). Supervisors in ergonomic change of meat cutting work. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41(0), 4850-4855. Access

Book chapters

Arman, Wikström, Tengelin och Dellve. Work activities and stress among managers in health care. I: Tengblad S (red) The Work of Managers. Oxford University Press 2012.

Conferernce articles (peer rewiewed)

Brännmark, M., Lindskog, P. and Halvarsson, A. (2012). Patient Quality Effects from Lean Healthcare – an empirical investigation. Paper presented at the Nordic Ergonomic Society conference (NES). Stockholm, Sweden

Dellve, Lindgren, Bååthe. Health care Professionals Motivation and Engagement in Health Care Development. NES 2012 Proceedings, Sweden (short paper, 6 pages)

Dellve L, Williamsson A, Eriksson A. 2012 “Health care professionals’ motivation, engagement and collaboration in organizational developments of processes of care” [Conferencepaper, 6thNOVO Symposium, 15-16th November 2012]

Ekman, M. & Vänje, A. 2012. “Doing Gender Equality at Technical Universities” at Gender, Work and Organisation 7th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference June 27th - 29th, 2012 Keele University, Staffordshire, UK

Eriksson, A, Williamsson, A. and Dellve, L. Motivations and strategies for why and how to implement the organizational concept lean – a case study of a Swedish hospital. NES 2012.

Rose, L. (2012) Ergonomics and its Consequences for Businesses. Key-note presentation at the first International Ergonomics Conference in Tartu, Estonia October 11, 2012, arranged by the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Estonian Ergonomics Society and  the Estonian University of Life Sciences. Presentation access

Rose, L. (2012) Recovery need in manual work: Development and application of an assessment tool. Presentation at the 44th International the Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference, NES2012, in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm, Sweden,  August 19-22. Access

Rose, L. (2012) RAMP – Development of a risk assessment tool. Presentation at the 44thInternational the Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference, NES2012, in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm, Sweden,  August 19-22. Access

Rose, L. (2012) Risk management project for work with precast concrete shells. Presentation at the 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, in Recife, Brazil, February 12-16, 2012, arranged by IEA.

Rose, L.  and Neumann, W. P. (2012) Designing Jobs in Manufacturing: Rest Allowances. Key-note presentation at the CRE-MSD conference Reducing Fatigue and Preventing MSDs in the workplace Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, December 4th, 2012. Information and presentation

Rose, L., Lind, C.,Franzon, H. & Ergul, E. (2012) IT-verktyg för riskbedömning (RAMP) (In Swedish, IT-based tool for Risk Assessment (RAMP)). Presentation at the meeting place Gilla Jobbet (“On top at work”), Stockholm, Sweden, October 24, 2012, arranged by Afa and Prevent.

Hägg, GM, Vogel, K, Karltun, J and McGorry, RW (2012) Knife force differences when cutting meat at different temperatures. Proceedings of the Nordic Ergonomic Society Conference, Stockholm, 2012

Conference presentations

Eriksson A, Williamsson A, Dellve L. 2012 “Implementation of the organizational concept lean production – Case studies of two Swedish hospitals” [Conferencepaper, 6th NOVO Symposium, 15-16th November 2012]

Lindskog, P. and Mikael, B. (2012)HTO analysis of a lean healthcare implementation. Abstract presentation at the the Nordic Ergonomic Society conference (NES). Stockholm Sweden


Lindskog, P. and Brännmark, M. (2012). Sustainable Lean in psychiatric healthcare organizations? Poster presented at NOVO. Stockholm, Sweden


Alipour A., Nyman T., Hagberg J., Ahnmé Ekenryd C., Hermansson U., Lohela Karlsson M., Schäfer Elinder L., Jensen I. Evidensbaserad praktik i företagshälsovården. En nationell undersökning om kunskap, attityder, hindrande och stödjande faktorer. Enheten för interventions- och implementeringsforskning, Institutet för miljömedicin (IMM). Karolinska Institutet. Stockholm 2012.

Brännmark, Eklund, Håkansson, Vogel (2012) Kunskapsöversikt Belastningsergonomiska studier utifrån ett produktions- och systemperspektiv – interventioner, verksamhetseffekter och konsekvenser Arbetsmiljöverket Rapport 2012:1 ISSN 1650-3171

Brännmark, M. (2012). ”Lean i kommuner och myndigheter - en översikt över existerande empirisk forskningslitteratur.” Innovationsrådet (Rapport 2011:42).Brännmark, M. (2012). ”Lean i kommuner och myndigheter - en översikt över existerande empirisk forskningslitteratur.” Innovationsrådet (Rapport 2011:42).

Eklund, J., Engkvist, I.-L., Karltun, J., Vogel, K. (2012). Styckarnas arbetssituation – Ett interaktivt forskningsprogram för branschstöd och utveckling av åtgärder (STAR), Dnr 080014. Rapport. KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Favero, F., Glimne, S., Teär Fahnehjelm, K., Eklund, J. (2012). Kunskapsöversikt. Syn och belysning för äldre i arbetslivet. Rapport 2012:16. Arbetsmiljöverket. ISSN 1650-3171

Engkvist, I-L. (2012). Inventering av förfarande vid nyanställning och arbetsskador samt hälsofrämjande personalåtgärder för styckare - Intervjuer utförda vid 10 av de största företagen i Sverige. Rapport. KTH, Avdelningen för Ergonomi

Ericson M.: Tentativt kvantitativ analys av högskoleverkets utvärderingar av utbildningskvalitet år 2011-2012. Skolan för Teknik och Hälsa, KTH, 2012.  Access

Teär Fahnehjelm, K., Aronsson, K., Ejhed, J., Eklund, J., Favero, F., Glimne, S., Moberg, C., Nylén, P., Törnquist, A.L. (2012). Belysning och utveckling av undersökningsrum. Multifunktionsrum i sjukvården. Rapport, S:t Eriks Ögonsjukhus och KTH.   Access (pdf 71,2 MB)

Favero, F., Glimne, S., Teär Fahnehjelm, K., Eklund, J. (2012). Kunskapsöversikt. Syn och belysning för äldre i arbetslivet. Rapport 2012:16. Arbetsmiljöverket. ISSN 1650-3171

Schmidt Lisa, Östlund Gabriella, Antonsson Ann-Beth Stick- och skärskador inom hälso- och sjukvården – Förebyggande insatser för skador och smitta pga. vassa instrument IVL rapport B 2074, 2012

Palm David, Sjöström John, Schmidt Lisa, Ekvall Tomas Viktbaserad avfallstaxa – vart tar avfallet vägen? IVL rapport B 2054, 2012

Rose, L. (2012) Ergo-Index Etapp 2:  Vidareutveckling av metod för analys av produktionsmetoder   – samband mellan belastningsfaktorer, återhämtning, risk och produktionstid. Technical report (In Swedish.) Ergo-Index: Further development of a method for analysis of production methods – relationships beteween loadin factors, recovery, risk and production time.  KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology. School of Technology & Health, Division of Ergonomics. Läs mera


Rose, L. & Neumann, W. P. (2012) Human Factors and the Bottom Line:  Quantifying the Benefits of Healthy Workplaces. Workshop at the 44th International the Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference, NES2012, in Saltsjöbaden, Stockholm, Sweden, August 19-22. Access

Rose, L., Osvalder, A.-L. (2012)  Träffpunkt högskolor och universitet – Tekniska fakulteter Hur ska studenternas kunskapsbehov tillgodoses för ett hållbart arbetsliv? In Swedish. Meeting point Universities – technical faculties How to secure the knowledge among students regarding sustainable working life). Workshop at the meeting place Gilla Jobbet (“On top at work”), Stockholm, Sweden, October 24, 2012 October 25, 2012, arranged by Afa and Prevent.

Neumann, W. P. & Rose, L. (2012) Human Factors and the Bottom Line:  Quantifying the Benefits of Healthy Workplaces. Workshop at the Human Factors Engineering Lab, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University in January 13, 2012.

Neumann, W. P. & Rose, L. (2012 Human Factors and the Bottom Line: Quantifying the Benefits of Healthy Workplaces. Workshop at the Human Factors Engineering Lab, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ryerson University in July 19, 2012.Information

Educational material

Dellve (red) Studiematerial: Hållbart chefskap i hälso- och sjukvården  - med vinjetter om engagemang, stress, tidsanvändning, medarbetarskap och vårdpraktik Västra götalandsregionen och Göteborgs Universitet 2012Rose, L. (2012) Slutrapport för Ergo-Index vidareutveckling av metod för analys av produktionsmetoder (Dnr 0800030