Litteratur om lärande för hållbar utveckling
Nedan listas några exempel på litteratur med koppling till Lärande för hållbar utveckling - Education for Sustainable Development. Listan ska just ses som exempel och gör inga anspråk på att vara heltäckande.
Vetenskapliga artiklar
- Hanning, A., Priem Abelsson, A., Lundqvist, U., Svanström, M. (2012) "Are we educating engineers for sustainability?: Comparison between obtained competences and Swedish Industries needs", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 13(3) pp. 305-320.
- Holmberg, J., Lundqvist, U., Svanström, M., Arehag, M. (2012) "The university and transformation toward sustainability: The strategy used at Chalmers University of Technology", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 13(3) pp. 279-292.
- Svanström, M., Palme, U., Knutson Wedel, M., Carlson, O., Nyström, T., Edén, M. (2012) "Embedding of ESD in engineering education: Experiences from Chalmers University of Technology", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 13(3) pp. 219-231.
- Rusinko, C. A. (2010) "Integrating sustainability in higher education: a generic matrix", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 11(3) pp. 250-259.
- Segala, J., Ferrer-Balas, D., Mulder, K. F. (2010) "What do engineering students learn in sustainability courses? The effect of the pedagogical approach", Journal of Cleaner Production 18, pp. 275–284.
- Knutson Wedel, M., Malmqvist, J., Arehag, M., Svanström, M. (2008). "Implementing engineering education for environmental sustainability info CDIO programs." Proceedings of the 4th International CDIO Conference, Hogeschool Gent , Gent, Belgium, June 16-19, 2008.
- Svanström, M., Lozano-García, F.J., Rowe, D. (2008) "Learning outcomes for sustainable development in higher education", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 9(3) pp. 339-351.
EESD15 - The 7th conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, 9-12 juni 2015, Va
- Olga Kordas, Kateryna Pereverza, Oleksii Pasichnyi & Eugene Nikiforovich: Developing skills for sustainability change agents with a participatory backcasting teaching toolbox (
- Fredrik Gröndahl & Daniel Franzen: A practical approach to integrating research and education : a course experiment from KTH, Sweden. (
- Jon-Erik Dahlin, Richard Fenner & Heather Cruickshank: Critical evaluation of simulations and games as tools for expanding student perspectives on sustainability. (
Chalmers (2009) Undervisning i och om Hållbar Utveckling - 29 exempel från Chalmers, Ulrika Palme.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE) The journal is published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited in conjunction with University Leaders for a Sustainable Future. Editor: Professor Walter Leal, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development (JESD) is a forum for academics and practitioners to share and critique innovations in thinking and practice in the emerging field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). A peer-reviewed international journal, JESD aims at global readership and is published twice a year.