SOS Climate waterfront
Linking Research and Innovation on Waterfront through Technology for Excellence of Resilience to face Climate Change

SOS Climate Waterfront Workshops, information and application (download PDF) (pdf 873 kB)
Project introduction:
The project is adressing the pressures on urban waterfront areas and how engineering and architechture solutions in city planning can be cross-fertilized by skills and tools for design and visualization of water in urban context. The project and workshop activities also includes workshop activities with researches and public agencies, drawing on understanding the history of the urban landscape, social sciences, arts and humanities to discuss future urban solutions to cope with consequences of climate change and other pressures on waterfront areas in urban settings.
Participation 2020/21 from Div. History of Science, Technology and Environment: Katarina Larsen
Background to the project and contact at KTH:
During year 2020 the ABE-school at KTH was invited to join an EU-initiative in the H2020-programme ”Stimulating innovation by means of cross-fertilization”. In addition to Swedish participation, other countries involved in this programme is Portugal, Greece and Poland. Project initiatives includes exchange activities and workshops and digital webinars.
Contact at KTH, Div. History of Science, Technology and Environment: Katarina Larsen
Contact at KTH, Div. Urban and regional studies: Lina Suleiman
Funding: H2020, Funding scheme: MSCA-RISE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)
Programme: H2020-EU.1.3.3. - Stimulating innovation by means of cross-fertilisation of knowledge (click here for link to programme)
Webinars arranged in collaboration between KTH and Intercult, with presentations by KTH-researchers:
S.O.S Waterfronts – klimatpåverkan på Europas vattenfronter, 27th November 2020, presentation online (click here for link) as part of the European Researchers’ Night 2020 , presentation by Larsen: Cityscapes and waterways: Learning from cities on location.
Europe Day 2020 webinar (May 2020) Organised by Intercult, presentation by Larsen: Transforming Urban Waterfronts. (click here for link)