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NIES affiliated calls for papers

Here you will find links to calls for papers and other announcements of interest to NIES members.

Current calls

Call For Papers: Ecozon@ Autumn 2014. Northern Nature . Guest editor: Werner Bigell, Finnmark University College, Norway.

Nature, Technology and Religion – Transdisciplinary Perspectives, The European Forum for the Study of Religion and Environment, fourth international conference from May 22 to May 25, 2013, to be held at the Sigtuna Foundation in Sweden.

Nature, Technology & Religion, 22-25 May, Sigtuna.pdf (pdf 128 kB)

Past calls

ASLE UKI: Biennial Conference, University of Surrey, 29-31 August 2013. Ecological Encounters: Agency, Identity, Interactions. Call for proposals (pdf 90 kB) .

Call For Papers: Ecozon@ Spring 2014. Translating Environmental Humanities . Guest Editor: Carmen Valero Garcés, University of Alcalá, Spain.

Thematic session on Religion, Ecology and Transnationalism at the 32nd ISSR (International Society for the Sociology of Religion) Conference in Turku, Finland 27-30 June, 2013. Deadline for submissions is October 31st.


Symposium: Sense of Planet: The Arts and Ecology at Earth Magnitude, A NIEA Symposium, 25 August, 2012, Sydney.

Sense of Planet NIEA Symposium 25 August 2012 (pdf 390 kB)

Call for Papers: Ecozon@ Issue 4.1 (Spring 2013), Green Countercultures, Guest Editor: Peter Mortensen, Aarhus University.

Call for Papers: Ecozon@ Issue 4.1 (Spring 2013) (pdf 69 kB)

A new open-access, interdisciplinary journal in the Environmental Humanities is being launched. The document below provides some basic information about the journal, including the journal's Editorial Board.

EH Notice (pdf 158 kB)

More information about the journal can be found at the journal's website:

International Interdisciplinary Conference: Nature and Culture
June 13-15, 2012 at the North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia

CFP International Interdisciplinary Conference: Nature and Culture (pdf 77 kB)


ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION special issue call for manuscripts:

Call for Manuscripts for a Special Issue of
Environmental Communication: A Journal of Nature
and Culture, Volume 6, Issue 4 (December, 2012)

Visual Environmental Communication

Editors: Anders Hansen (University of Leicester)
and David Machin (University of Cardiff)

CFP Environmental Communication Special Issue (pdf 87 kB)