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Environment and sustainability without borders 2017


The project “Stories and seeds” aims at enhancing environmental literacy among technical students. Environmental literacy is an individual’s understanding, skills and motivation which enable responsible decisions in relation to natural systems, communities and future generations. The environment is a critical element of the knowledge base we need to live in a safe and prosperous world. The understanding of the environment and human-environment interactions from a multiple perspective is thus a critical skill for sustainable development education.

In order to achieve its goals, “Stories and seeds” will offer a monthly cinema forum, open to all KTH students, and the establishment of a small environmental literacy library at the EHL. The cinema forum will be the pillar of the project; every of the six sessions will be chaired by a different scholar from various disciplines. Through the library, which will be publicized through social media and other means, we aim to build a permanent environmental literacy tool at the service of KTH community.

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