Launch: EHL becomes a KTH center

Join us for a joyous celebration of the Environmental Humanities Laboratory’s (EHL) past decade of activities and the launch of its new start as a KTH Centre.
Time: Thu 2023-01-26 15.00 - 19.00
Location: Division of History of Science, Technology, and Environment, Teknikringen 74D, KTH, Stockholm
The afternoon will consist of recapping the many diverse activities of the EHL since its start in 2011/2012. Meet EHL Director Marco Armiero and hear about exciting research projects, PhD training, the Crosscuts film festival, and much else. Next will follow a presentation by Sverker Sörlin on the future of the EHL as a KTH Centre. It will conclude with a roundtable on the purpose, importance, and future of environmental humanities education and research in Sweden, Europe, and worldwide. Our roundtable guests are Johanna Sandahl, chairperson of Naturskyddsföreningen, Björn Wiman, Head of Culture at Dagens Nyheter, Francesco Fuso-Nerini, Director of KTH Climate Action Centre, and Doaa Ismail, student representative from KTH Students for Sustainability.
We will round the event off with a mingle, to digest, discuss and honor together the past and future of the EHL. More information on guests and schedule will come.
Join us for this afternoon of reflections, sharing, and exchange. Mark your calendars!
Location: We will be at the Division of History of Science, Technology, and Environment, where the EHL is located. Teknikringen 74D, KTH, Stockholm.
The Environmental Humanities Laboratory
Since its inception in 2011/2012, the Environmental Humanities Laboratory (EHL) has been a world leader in the environmental humanities field, focusing mostly on climate justice, social transformations and just transitions, migration, environmental justice, urban challenges, natural resources, policy, and environmental governance. The mission has been to develop a space for knowledge experiments, robust public engagement, and collaboration around societal challenges in the spirit of the global sustainability goals.
At the start of 2023, the EHL will transition into an official center of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. An outstanding achievement that implies that KTH is deeply committed to supporting and strengthening EHL’s work and existing activities, thereby speeding up the integration of humanities knowledge in the university. The vision for the EHL Centre is to become an internationally leading Centre at KTH, a space to develop humanities knowledge and to address the socio-ecological crisis, placing the human experience and humanities knowledge at its core. The EHL Centre’s mission will be to advance research that supports just transition toward sustainability and fostering partnerships within and outside KTH, with civil society organizations, public and private institutions, enterprises, and other relevant actors.