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Berit Balfors

Profile picture of Berit Balfors





Researcher ID

About me

Professor, PhD in environmental assessment analysis. The overall research focuses on sustainability analysis related to e.g. transport and land use planning, with a special emphasis on biodiversity and climate change adaptation. Additionally, tools for environmental system analysis in the built environment, such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) form a central part of her research and teaching.

  • Member of Formas’ Scientific Council (Formas forskningsråd), ongoing since 2019
  • Member of the scientific board of Lundströms C.F. foundation, The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, (Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien), ongoing
  • Member of the scientific board of Lissheds foundation, SEB, ongoing
  • Member of Vinnova scientific review panel, InfraSweden2030, ongoing
  • Member of ABE Docent Committee, KTH, ongoing
  • Member of KTH Promotion Committee, ongoing
  • Member of  the Nordic Bioeconomy Programme Committee (Nordforsk, Formas), 2015-2023
  • Member of the committee for development research, the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), 2016-2019.
  • Member of the board of KTH Water Centre, 2017-2021.
  • Member in the KTH University Board (KTH Högskolestyrelsen) 2011-2013.
  • Head of the Department (Prefekt) of Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH, 2007-20013.

Research areas

Municipal energy planning and environmental assessment

Green qualities and ecosystem services in urban areas

Urban planning and sustainable development

Strategies for sustainable water management

Transport planning for a sustainable society

On-going projects

Strategies for integrating environmental functions in transport planning for sustainable urban development

Transport planning for a sustainable society: Vision, collaboration, and environmental functions in Strategic Choice of Measures (Swedish Transport Administration)

(re)Planning Nature-Based Solutions and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Transformations (REP-NBS) (Formas)

Recently completed projects

Mainstreaming sustainability, 2019-2023.

REWIND - Regional planning for wind power 2018-2023.

ISSUE - Integrating Sustainability Strategies in Urban Environments (ISSUE). Formas, Research Council Formas), (Project leader) 2016-2020

TRAMP - Strategic Environmental Assessment in transport planning,  Swedish Transport Administration (project leader), 2018-2020.

Södertörnsmodellen - Collaborative Platform for Sustainable Suburban Dynamics. Vinnova-Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems, (Coordinator) 2014-2016 (phase 1 and 2) 2017-2019 (phase 3)

STEP - Strengthen the strategic municipal energy planning. Swedish Energy Agency, (Project leader), 2016-2019

SPEAK - Sustainable planning and environmental assessment knowledge, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency), (Project leader) 2014-2017


Degree Project in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure, Second Cycle (AL230X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Strategies for Sustainable Development, Second Cycle (AL250X), examiner | Course web

Environmental Impact Assessment (AE2501), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Environmental Systems Analysis for Energy and Environment (AE1502), teacher | Course web

Environmental Systems Analysis for Teachers (AE1503), teacher | Course web

Strategic Environmental Assessment (AE2507), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Berit Balfors


Publication list