Berit Brokking Balfors
About me
Professor, PhD in environmental assessment analysis. The overall research focuses on sustainability analysis related to e.g. transport and land use planning, with a special emphasis on biodiversity and climate change adaptation. Additionally, tools for environmental system analysis in the built environment, such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) form a central part of her research and teaching.
- Member of Formas’ Scientific Council (Formas forskningsråd), ongoing since 2019
- Member of the scientific board of Lundströms C.F. foundation, The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, (Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien), ongoing
- Member of the scientific board of Lissheds foundation, SEB, ongoing
- Member of Vinnova scientific review panel, InfraSweden2030, ongoing
- Member of ABE Docent Committee, KTH, ongoing
- Member of KTH Promotion Committee, ongoing
- Member of the Nordic Bioeconomy Programme Committee (Nordforsk, Formas), 2015-2023
- Member of the committee for development research, the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet), 2016-2019.
- Member of the board of KTH Water Centre, 2017-2021.
- Member in the KTH University Board (KTH Högskolestyrelsen) 2011-2013.
- Head of the Department (Prefekt) of Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH, 2007-20013.
Research areas
Municipal energy planning and environmental assessment
Green qualities and ecosystem services in urban areas
Urban planning and sustainable development
Strategies for sustainable water management
Transport planning for a sustainable society
On-going projects
Transport planning for a sustainable society: Vision, collaboration, and environmental functions in Strategic Choice of Measures (Swedish Transport Administration)
(re)Planning Nature-Based Solutions and Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Urban Transformations (REP-NBS) (Formas)
Recently completed projects
Mainstreaming sustainability, 2019-2023.
REWIND - Regional planning for wind power 2018-2023.
TRAMP - Strategic Environmental Assessment in transport planning, Swedish Transport Administration (project leader), 2018-2020.
STEP - Strengthen the strategic municipal energy planning. Swedish Energy Agency, (Project leader), 2016-2019
Degree Project in Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure, Second Cycle (AL230X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Strategies for Sustainable Development, Second Cycle (AL250X), examiner | Course web
Environmental Impact Assessment (AE2501), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Environmental Systems Analysis for Energy and Environment (AE1502), teacher | Course web
Strategic Environmental Assessment (AE2507), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web