Bo Cederwall
About me
I am Professor of Physics with specialisation in Experimental and Applied Nuclear Physics. My research in Experimental Nuclear Physics is based on studies of nuclear reactions at major international accelerator facilities; currently primarily GANIL, France, the JYFL Accelerator Laboratory, Finland, RIKEN, Japan, FAIR, Germany, but also ISOLDE at CERN, and the Argonne and FRIB facilities in the USA. I lead the Swedish participation in the international Advanced Gamma Tracking Array (AGATA) project which was designated a Research Infrastructure of National Interest by the Swedish Research Council in 2021.
Making use of methods and technology developed in fundamental science research I work with developments of applications in Nuclear Safeguards and Nuclear Security as well as Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, in collaboration with, e.g., the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) and the Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF). A project based on my invention Neutron Gamma Emission Tomography (NGET) was recognized by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences on its Innovation Top-100 List 2021, Research for sustainable emergency preparedness. For the invention of NGET, as applied to radioactive waste management, I was awarded the EURATOM Innovation Prize (First prize) in 2022.
Publications listed by Google Scholar (updated faster than DiVA):
I received my M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in August 1987, following a M.Sc. project in Experimental Particle Physics performed at Institut des Sciences Nucléaires, Grenoble, France. From then on until August 1992 I pursued research in Experimental Nuclear Physics at the Manne Siegbahn Institute of Physics, Stockholm and the Niels Bohr Institute (Denmark) and Daresbury (UK) accelerator facilities and obtained my PhD degree in August 1992 with the thesis titled ”Interplay of Collective and Single-particle States in Neutron Deficient Transitional Nuclei”. From 1992 to 1995 I worked as Postdoctoral Research Fellow and subsequently Staff Term Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA with research in nuclear structure physics and radiation detector development until I took up a position as Assistant Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in April 1995. I was awarded the Docent degree (Associate Professor) of Physics at KTH in March 1996, became Senior Researcher at KTH in April 1999, Senior Lecturer in July 1999 and hold the position as Full Professor of Physics at the Department of Physics, KTH since October 2003. In 2005 I was appointed Chair Professor of Nuclear Physics by KTH President Professor Anders Flodström. Head of Nuclear Physics Division, Department of Physics, 2011-2023.
During 2001 – 2005 I was Board member for the Alfvén Laboratory at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KTH. I was Director of Graduate Studies at the Department of Physics, KTH, 01/2006 – 12/2007, and 07/2010 – 05/2014 and during 2014-2019 I served as member and later Vice Chair of the Docent evaluation board at the School of Engineering Sciences. In 2018 and 2021 I was appointed by KTH to serve on the National Electoral Assembly for the Swedish Research Council. I was elected member of the KTH Faculty Council 2022 (July) - 2023.
My research has received funding from, e.g., the European Commission, the Göran Gustafsson Foundation, NordForsk, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, the Swedish Research Council, Vinnova, and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. I have been main supervisor for more than 25 M.Sc. theses and 10 Ph.D. theses, and I am co-author of more than 250 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals such as European Physical Journal (formerly Zeitschrift für Physik A), Nature, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Physical Review C, Physical Review Letters, and Science Advances. Reviewer for European Physical Journal, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Journal of Physics G, Nature Physics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Nuclear Physics A, Physics Letters B, Physical Review C, and Physical Review Letters. Member of the Editorial Board for the international scientific journals Instruments (2018 - 2020) and Applied Sciences (2021 - ).
Degree Project in Physics, Second Cycle (SH204X), examiner | Course web
Detection Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics (FSH3306), examiner | Course web
Engineering Skills (SA1007), teacher | Course web
Experimental Nuclear Physics (FSH3301), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Experimental Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics (SH2306), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Nuclear Physics (SH2302), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web