Dejiu Chen
Associate professor
About me
Dejiu Chen is a Docent and Associate Professor in Embedded Control Systems, focusing on trustworthy human-compatible Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) with automotive and medical applications.
Research Description:
In industries and societies, a significant challenge emerges from an increasingly more extensive deployments of various socio-technical systems featuring a new generation of intelligent cyber-physical systems, aiming for enhanced effectiveness and efficiencies. One critical aspect essential for the success involves detecting and handling unexpected emergent behaviors resulting from design deficiencies or component degradations. If these issues are not properly treated, they could result in system failures and hazards.
My research focuses on developing novel strategies and innovative industrial frameworks for advanced situation-awareness and self-management in intelligent cyber-physical systems. The approach involves the development of advanced edge/cloud services for 1. the monitoring of operational conditions of the systems, humans, and environments, and 2. the diagnosis, prognosis, and health management. The foundational principle relies on a systematic integration of data-driven ML/AI algorithms with physical testing, virtual simulation, established prior knowledge, formal modeling, and analysis, as shown in the figure below:
Over 100 peer-reviewed papers. More information available throughPublication List.
White papers:
- Mechatronics Twin Framework
- Design of Condition Monitoring for Trustable Electronics
in Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems
Other Pitches
An interview with CORDIS:
New research collaboration opportunities, currently open for new industrial partnership:
Some Current and Past Projects:
- TRUSST-E, EUREKA EURIPIDES2, from 2021.04 - 2024.06. Contributing in the areas of trustable embedded systems for automotive, aviation and industrial applications.
- SALIENCE4CAV, VINNOVA FFI, from 2021.01 – 2024.03. Contributing in the areas of formal reasoning of product-line variability for operational safety of autonomous vehicles.
- PANORAMA, EUREKA ITEA3, 2019.04 – 2022.04. Contributing to model-based development tools for accelerating design efficiency for automotive and aerospace systems.
- SocketSenseEU H2020, from 2019.01 – 2022.12. Contributing in the areas of systems engineering, wearable sensor system design, advanced state estimation and condition inference for IoMT.
- ESPLANADE, VINNOVA FFI, from 2017.01 – 2020.06. Contributing in the areas of requiremements analysis, architecture design, and dynamic safety control for autonomous vehicles.
- TRACE, EUREKA CATRENE, from 2016.01 - 2019.10. Contributing in the areas of system analysis, dependability, componentization, online quality-of-service support for the compositionality&composability of autonomous vehicles.
- CPS for Smart Factories, EIT Digital, during 2013.01-2015.12. Contributing in the areas of ontology, methods and tools for qualified process automation for Industry 4.0.
- MAENAD(Model-based Analysis&Engineering of Novel Architectures for Dependable Electric Vehicles), EU FP7, during 2010.09-2014.03. Contributing in the areas of modelling support for the analysis of performance and dependability.
- CESAR (Cost-efficient methods and processes for safety relevant embedded systems), ARTEMIS-JU, during 2009.03-2012.06. Contributing in the areas of architecture modelling, architecture design and quality assessment techniques, and tool specifications (new & enhancement).
- ATESST2 (Advancing Traffic Efficiency and Safety through Software Technology), EU FP7, during 2008.06-2010.06. Contributed in the areas of safety engineering, behaviour modelling, methodology development, case studies, etc.
- DySCAS (Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive Systems), EU FP6, during 2006.06-2009.02. Conducted the design of a reference system architecture that incorporates the autonomic computing paradigm for automotive embedded systems.
- ATESST (Advancing Traffic Efficiency and Safety through Software Technology), EU FP6, ATESST, during 2006-2008. Contributed to the development of EAST-ADL2 language in the areas of requirements analysis, language design for a model-based safety assessment, demonstration and tool development.
- NFCCPP(Numerical Fuel Cell Component Performance Prediction), EU FP5, during 2004-2005. Developed a software system for cross-enterprise model exchange and integration in the development of fuel cell systems.
- EAST-EEA (Electronics Architecture and Software Technology-Embedded Electronic Architecture), EUREKA ITEA, EAST-EEA, during 2003-2004. Contributed to the technology investigation for the development of EAST-ADL language.
For further information, please see my resume here.
Degree Project in Embedded Control Systems, Second Cycle (MF219X), examiner, teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Machine Design, Second Cycle (MF229X), examiner, teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Mechatronics, Second Cycle (MF214X), examiner, teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Mechatronics, Second Cycle (MF224X), examiner, teacher | Course web
Embedded Systems Design Project (IL2232), teacher | Course web
Embedded Systems for Mechatronics (MF2103), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Introduction to Embedded Machine Learning (MF2143), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Programming in C for Embedded Systems (MF2095), teacher | Course web
Project Work in Mechatronics (MF2025), course responsible, teacher | Course web