Gabriel Benjamin Calderon Salmeron
About me
My doctoral studies focused on enhancing sustainability in e-drive components. My project aims to enhance the lubrication properties of greases used in the bearings of electric vehicles, find testing methods that emulate the conditions of the bearings of electric vehicles, and finally set a standard for testing greases that will be used in this field. The project will focus on understanding the lubrication mechanisms behind the use of different thickeners, and extreme conditions that are present in e-drives. This project is developed by a strong collaboration between the academy and industry.
The project is highly motivated by the contribution that it can have in the 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) to transform our world. Its impact focuses on improving the efficiency of systems of electric vehicles which have a strong influence on goals 7: Affordable and Clean Energy; Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities; and Goal 13: Climate Action. The project will address the different issues related to these goals through the following aims:
- Knowledge of suitable combinations of thickeners and base oils that reduce friction and extend component life in order to create more efficient and green systems.
- Knowledge of suitable combinations of recycled plastics and sustainable oils that give greases that perform at similar levels than the existing polymer greases.
- Knowledge of how ionic liquids can be incorporated into novel greases to reduce friction and prevent damage from electro pitting.
- Understanding of how different lubrication mechanisms act in the bearing of an e-drive.
- Sharing knowledge gained in the project with industry to spread the knowledge and assist in the adaptation of the new grease technology.
- Generalization of the knowledge on novel greases enabling their application in various types of electric and other types of machinery
[1]G. B. Calderon Salmeron, ‘Enabling More Efficient E-Mobility : Grease Development by a Novel Bearing-Grease Test Machine’, Dissertation, 2019.
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