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Hampus Berg Mårtensson

Profilbild av Hampus Berg Mårtensson






Om mig

I am a doctoral candidate at the divison of Strategic Sustainability Studies (SHS), and my work is centered around how mobility and accessibility services can contribute to sustainable futures of the transport system. My work is situated within the research programme Mistra SAMS which is focused on how a carbon neutral and socialy just transport system can be realised in large city regions, by 2030. The research programme has entered its second stage which will be ongoing 2021-2024 and is funded by Mistra.  The program directors are Anna Kramers and Karolina Isaksson you can read more about Mistra SAMS on the devoted webpage. My supervisors are Mattias Höjer (principal supervisor), and Jonas Åkerman.

In addition, I am the chairperson of the PhD Student Council at the ABE school (2023). More information about the council and who your local PhD student representative is can be found on the devoted webpage.

Finally, I am involved in teaching and other course work at the department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering - SEED for short. The courses are listed below.


Examensarbete inom strategier för hållbar utveckling, avancerad nivå (AL250X), lärare | Kurswebb

Futures Studies and Forecasts (AG2171), lärare | Kurswebb

Hållbar utveckling för datateknik (AL1504), lärare | Kurswebb