Nicholas Honeth
About me
Nicholas is currently working at the division of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (EPE). He spends most of his time working on the Next Generation Hydrofoil Systems for Robust and Cost Effective Electric Work Boats (NG-FREEBS) project in collaboration with the KTH Centre for Naval Architecture and other project partners including RiSE Maritime and the Swedish Sea Rescue Society (SSRS).
His research work with the electric machines and drives group (EMD) currently focuses on marine electromobility investigating the integration of direct drive submersible motor systems into hydrofoils. This includes work on the safe integration and monitoring of lithium-ion battery systems into boat hulls, electric motor drive integration with hydrofoil stabilisation control systems. Nicholas has worked extensively with laboratory and field testing of powertrains for electric hydrofoil watercraft.
Nicholas has previously worked on the FoilCart, ELINN and eRoad Arlanda projects.
He completed his doctoral thesis in distributed control applications in power systems with a special interest in standardisation in substation automation systems (IEC 61850) and real-time simulation.
Sustainable Power Laboratory
Nicholas is the scientific director for the SPL at the division of electric power and energy systems. Please direct operative questions about the laboratory to and Patrick Janus.
Electric Power Engineering Project (EI2525), assistant | Course web
Electric Power Systems (EJ1200), assistant | Course web
Wind Power Systems (EG2340), assistant | Course web