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Ingemar Markström

Profilbild av Ingemar Markström




Om mig

Research engineer in the Visualization studio VIC since 2019, after teaching computer science science since 2006. Apart from having been one of the General Tutors at EECS, I was involved in most introductory (and some advanced) programming courses at CSC, like the Applied Computer Science(DD1320), Programming Techniques (DD1310), Introduction to Computer Science (DD1339), Program System Construction using C++ (DD2387), Programming Paradigms (DD1361), DD1343 Computer Science and Numerical Methods (DD1343), Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Introduction to Computer Science (Long name, DD1396), Programming Techniques and Matlab (DD1315), and more.

Master thesis in computer science, visualization and computer graphics: Comparing normal estimation methods for the rendering of unorganized point clouds.

Fun sidenote on tie-knots: More ties than we thought.

I play a sufficient number of different instruments, my band Kalabalik plays contemporary medieval music, and I also make electronic music.


Avancerad grafik och interaktion (DH2413), assistent | Kurswebb

Datorgrafik med interaktion (DH2323), assistent | Kurswebb

Informationsvisualisering (DH2321), assistent | Kurswebb

Programutveckling för interaktiva medier (DM1595), lärare | Kurswebb

Profilbild av Ingemar Markström