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Jane Bottomley

Profile picture of Jane Bottomley





About me

I am a Lecturer in English Language and Communication. I am responsible for courses on Technical Communication, Introduction to English for Academic Studies (online), Pre-sessional English and Introduction to Scientific Writing (doctoral course in EECS). I also teach on the university-wide doctoral course Writing Scientific Articles. In addition, I work with individual students in the Centre for Academic Writing (CAS).

I am interested in the art of scientific knowledge communication, particularly writing. I am also focused on developing dialogic pedagogies across teaching and learning practices. I am also interested in how students percieve and interact with AI tools as part of their writing process, and how critical, ethical engagement can be cultivated in this area.

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK, and a Senior Fellow, Mentor and Assessor of BALEAP, the global forum for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) professionals.

I have written and co-written textbooks on academic writing and study skills for university students in science and technology, nursing, social work, education and policing. I have also contributed as a lexicographer on Cambridge Dictionaries.

In 2021, colleagues and I in Language and Communication launched The KTH Guide to scientific writing. We are currently evaluating and developing the guide so that it meets the needs of the whole KTH scientific writing community.


Advancing in English for academic and professional purposes (LS2443), examiner, teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Computer Science and Engineering, First Cycle (DA150X), assistant | Course web

English for Employment (LS2442), examiner | Course web

English for Writing and Presenting a Degree Project in Science and Engineering (LS2439), examiner | Course web

Essential STEM communication (LS1452), examiner | Course web

Introduction to English for academic studies (LS1416), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Introduction to Scientific Writing (FDS3103), course responsible, teacher | Course web

STEM communication with impact (LS2441), examiner | Course web

Technical Communication in English (LS2444), course responsible, teacher | Course web

Writing Scientific Articles (FDS3102), teacher, assistant | Course web

Writing and presenting academic work in STEM (LS2440), examiner | Course web

Profile picture of Jane Bottomley


Publication list