Björn Laumert
About me
My foremost motivation in my professional life as an academic is the opportunity to foster and prepare young pre- and post-graduate students towards their professional careers as engineers, managers, researchers or which ever career they choose. It is a great pleasure to be able to contribute to the students' personal growth and to see graduate students becoming my peers.
After my own PhD graduation, I joined Volvo Aero Corporation where I was quickly involved in Volvo's R&D for ESA Ariane Space components comprising rocket engine nozzles and fuel pump turbines. I got the opportunity to lead the aerodynamic team for the Vulcain 2 Nozzle Extension in the recovery program of the Ariane 517 flight failure. After that I moved on to become the design leader of the upper stage Vinci engine turbines and later the turbines of the Ariane Future Launcher Preparatory Program main engine.
In 2010 I received an offer from my former PhD supervisor Prof. Torsten Fransson to join his division and build a research group in the field of Concentrated Solar Power. We have built up a state-of-the-art software toolbox for techno-economic analysis and optimization of power plants and grid integration strategies called DYESOPT and EDGESIM. Furthermore, we have built a 100kW solar laboratory facility for testing concentrating solar power components in relevant environments. In the laboratory, the light can be concentrated to high flux levels exceeding 5MW/m2, simulating the conditions in the focal spot of solar dish concentrating mirrors. This laboratory enables research and development of solar receivers, solar reactors, high temperature materials and concentrating photovoltaic elements.
From 2014 on I have been increasingly involved in research concerning energy infrastructure in cities. Through the involvement in the ERANET project IntegrCity and the SELECT+ Erasmus Mundus project we have built energy infrastructure co-simulation software as well as an energy hub modelling approach for simulating all energy flows, combining electricity, heat, cold and gas. This allows for analysis of interactive energy vectors, identification of bottle-necks as well as optimization and control of energy resourcers within a city network. This work has opened the door to support utilities, city and district councils as well as local citizens in choices, their technoogy roadmaps for sustainability and climate action. Today, our team supports decision makers in the city of Stockholm, Örebro and Helsingborg through Viable City Climate Contracts and Swedish Energy Authority projects in their technology roadmaps and implementation projects for energy infrastructure and transition.
AI applications in Sustainable Energy Engineering (MJ2507), examiner | Course web
Aircraft Propulsion, Advanced Course (MJ2524), examiner | Course web
Aircraft Propulsion, General Course (MJ2523), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Energy Systems, Sustainability and Industrial Engineering, first cycle (MJ148X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Energy Technology, Second Cycle (MJ218X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Heat and Power Technology, Second Cycle (MJ232X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Heat and Power Technology, Second Cycle (MJ233X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Sustainable Energy Engineering, First Cycle (MJ146X), examiner | Course web
Large Scale Solar Power (MJ2500), examiner | Course web
Practical Optimization of Energy Networks (MJ2505), examiner | Course web
Rocket Propulsion (MJ2246), examiner, course responsible | Course web