Martin Emanuel
About me
I am a historian of technology (PhD 2013, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) doing research also in history of science and the transdisciplinary fields of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and mobility studies. Much of my research has been on the history of cycling and currently I lead research projects on walking and public transport in cities, combining historical and contemporary perspectives.
Current projects
Techno-Politics of Walking: Continuity and Change of Streets as Public Space in Urban Europe (Formas, 2020-2023)
Publicness of Public Transport: Socio-Material Production of Shared Mobility in Stockholm (Formas, 2022-2025)
Grassroots Initiatives for Energy Transition (GRIT) (Swedish Energy Agency, 2020-2023)
EmbedterLabs, Better Embedded Labs for More Synergistic Sustainable Urban Transformation Planning (JPI Urban Europe, 2022-2024)
Selected publications
Emanuel, Martin, Schipper Frank and Ruth Oldenziel (eds.),A U-Turn to the Future: Sustainable Urban Mobility since 1850(Berghahn Books, 2020),
Emanuel, Martin, “Leisure walking in the original compact city: senses, distinction, and rhythms of the bourgeois promenade,”Mobilities (ahead-of-print), 2023: 1-19 │ DOI:10.1080/17450101.2023.2206044
Emanuel, Martin, “Challenging the System: Pedestrian Sovereignty in the Early Systemisation of City Traffic in Stockholm, ca. 1945–1955,”Journal of Transport History, 42, 2021(2): 247–276 │ DOI: 10.1177/0022526620987795
Blomkvist, Pär and Martin Emanuel, “Regulating Innovation: Utility vs. Leisure in Swedish Moped History, 1952–1961,”Technology and Culture 61, 2020(3):815-842 │ DOI: 10.1353/tech.2020.0075
Schipper, Frank, Emanuel, Martin and Ruth Oldenziel, “Sustainable Urban Mobility in the Present, Past, and Future,”Technology and Culture 61, 2020(1):307-317 │ DOI: 10.1353/tech.2020.0004
Bike more (AG117V), teacher | Course web
Degree Project in Urban and Regional Planning, Second Cycle (AG212X), teacher | Course web
Environmental History (AK1204), teacher | Course web
Sustainable Urban Mobility (AG2144), course responsible, teacher | Course web
Urban Infrastructure (AG2141), teacher | Course web