Sairam Sirigina
About me
I'm working on developing the process concepts to remove methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide from air. For methane and nitrous oxide removal, I'm looking at catalytic conversion at high temperatures (thermal catalytic) and through photocatalytic routes. For carbon dioxide capture, I'm employing already available state-of-the-art direct air capture technologies. The developed process concepts would couple methane and nitrous conversion with a carbon dioxide capture unit enabling the removal of major greenhouse gases. In addition, this thesis would look at optimizing the developing processes for the energy penalty involved in the greenhouse gases removal and the overall cost of process.
Supervisors: Shareq Mohd Nazir, Stefan Grönkvist
Project webpage:
Carbon dioxide neutral energy and transport system (CK2010), teacher | Course web
Transport Phenomena, Advanced Course (KE2070), assistant | Course web