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Wujun Wang

Profilbild av Wujun Wang





Om mig

I am a researcher at the Heat and Power Division of the Energy Department within the Energy Department. My research focus is on the development of the high-temperature receiver for the concentrating solar power or thermochemical applications. I am also very interesting in other CSP technologies, both linear focusing and point focusing system. The specific research topics include high-temperature heat transfer phenomenon, hybrid solar-Brayton cycle, jet impingement, optical ray tracing, high-temperature structure materials and coatings.


I received a BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering at Xi’dian University in 2007, and an MSc degree in Engineering Thermophysics at Zhejiang University in 2010 in China. My master thesis research topic is about a parabolic trough solar collector steam generation system with a natural circulation heat pipe system as the main heat transfer component. I joined the start-up CSP research group at the beginning of 2011 as a PhD candidate, and received my PhD degree at the end of 2015. The main work of my thesis is about the development of an Impinging Receiver for Solar Dish-Brayton Systems. I was also involved in the KIC Innoenergy PhD school during my PhD study, and experienced a systematic training on the entrepreneurship, management & business which are provided by ESADE (Spain) and the Grenoble École de Management (France).


During my PhD study and researcher career at KTH, from 2011 until now, there are three innovative works have been achieved. First, an 84 kWe Fresnel lens based high flux solar simulator (first one all over the world) has been developed. It consists of twelve xenon lamps, and the total radiative power on the focal spot can reach 19 kW with a peak flux of 7.2 MW/m2. Second, an impinging receiver concept which using jet impingement cooling technology to manage the temperature on the absorber wall where the solar radiative flux peak located. The thermal performance of this type receiver has been proved to be superior to the traditional receiver designs by both numerical and experimental study. Third, an inverse design method which allows the whole impinging receiver procedure within one month. Besides, I also developed a jet impingement heat transfer rig for studying the heat transfer phenomenon impingement jets with different geometries. All these works were supported by the EU FP7 project OMSOP and several projects from the Swedish Energy Agency. Now, I am the coordinator of the Swedish Energy Agency project ‘Innovative Integrated Solar Receiver Combustor Unit for Flexible Gas Turbine Based CSP’.

Additionally, I am also a lecturer of a master level course: MJ2411 Renewable Energy Technology.