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January 2015
26 January 09.38
| Katja Tollmar Grillner (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Here is a link to a pdf from my introductory lecture: Introduction - presentation by Katja Grillner
26 January 09.12
| Katja Tollmar Grillner (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Dear all, thank you so much for your strong engagement with the Friday writing workshop. It is a fantastic ...
23 January 14.57
| Katja Tollmar Grillner (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Guild locations: Real-Estate - inner upper atelier - K Creative types - 5th floor left side at end - B ...
23 January 14.39
| Doris Eckert
| Accessible to the whole world
Title / Location: SöderPopBakery, Rosenlundsgatan 28, Södermalm Perspective: saleswoman called Anna, 28 years ...
23 January 13.30
| Katja Tollmar Grillner (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Do you have to always stick with your guild / persona? I was also asked whether in this writing exercise you ...
23 January 13.09
| Katja Tollmar Grillner (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Ficto-criticism / Critical fictions? I was asked to address questions around ficto-criticim in my intro but ...
22 January 22.34
| Katja Tollmar Grillner (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Writing Places at Söder Pops Island - Tutorial assistance Feel free to ask questions in this news feed from ...