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Tutorial 8: Final alignment

1. General repetition for PRO2 presentation

Tutorial 8 is a general repetition of your presentations for the review of PRO2.

- Upload your presentation on Social and bring a computer to the tutorial as projection possibilities are uncertain.

- Bring all components of your final presentation, i.e. prototypes, brochures, etc. to the tutorial.

- Just as at PRO2 presentation, you will have 7 minutes to present to your tutor and another group. Practice your presentations in advance.

2. Final design fine-tuning

Tutorial 8 is also a final polishing of your design. Make sure that your design supports your idea. Are the colors, shapes, graphic design, style of photography, illustrations, etc. in alignment with your idea? Re-visit the lecture by Helena Leach where she explains how an idea/ identity is translated into design. The submitted material should be fine tuned and aligned with your concept.

Tutorial 7: Sustainability and presentation strategy

1. A revised submission of Tutorial 6 

You should revise your submission according to the feed-back that you have received.

2. A Life Cycle Analysis sketch TA BORT!

Read about LCA (click on the title) and the text below and then make a simple LCA-sketch for your project. This is a complex subject that you can not master in this course, but you should have a basic understanding of the principles.

S-LCA with focus on social sustainability.

3. A sketch of the presentation of PRO2

a.) Submit a story-line of your presentation.

b.) Submit a list of tools and methods for your planned PRO2 presentation.

c.) Decide who your receiver is. Who do you need to adopt your idea to in order for it to become reality?

d.) Define your role in the presentation.

e.) Define your visual language and graphic identity for PRO2.

Duarte.inc is a company that creates presentations. See if you can find inspiration in their work. Below is a short tip from Nancy Duarte, CEO of Duarte.inc:

What is the best way to start creating a presentation?

My best advice is to not start in PowerPoint. Presentation tools force you to think through information linearly, and you really need to start by thinking of the whole instead of the individual lines. I encourage people to use 3×5 note cards or sticky notes — write one idea per note. I tape mine up on the wall and then study them. Then I arrange them and rearrange them — just work and work until the structure feels sound. And from that sound structure, you start to fill it in using a presentation tool.

Here is a link to a TED-talk by Nancy Duarte: The secret structure of great talks.

Listen to at least one of the following TED-talks about public speaking.

Presentation tools. Take time and think thoroughly about the tools and methods you need for your presentation. Is it a digital presentation only? Should you complement the digital presentation with printed material? A prototype, a physical model of your product? How do you involve the audience? Sound, touch, taste, sight, or any other sense? Should you use moving image? Are all members of the group presenting? In what order? Do you record the presentation? Or is everything communicated through text? Etc.

You are free to choose any tools, methods or presentation programs for PRO2. (Prezi is a non linear presentation tool that you might want to look into.)

Get inspired by how other designers work on Designboom magazine.

Google best graphic design and get inspired by all the fantastic material.

Additional examples of more standard graphic lay-outs:

Example 1.

Example 2.

4. A weekly reflection of the group dynamics

Submit a summary on how the group has worked during the past week. What has worked well and what has not? What do you need to change in order to improve the efficiency and well-being of the group?

5. Feed-back of another group's submission of Tutorial 6

Your feed-back should be uploaded next to the group's number that you are giving feed-back. This should be done right after the Tutorial session is finished.

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