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Tutorial 8: Final alignment

1. General repetition for PRO2 presentation

Tutorial 8 is a general repetition of your presentations for the review of PRO2.

- Upload your presentation on Social and bring a computer to the tutorial as projection possibilities are uncertain.

- Bring all components of your final presentation, i.e. prototypes, brochures, etc. to the tutorial.

- Just as at PRO2 presentation, you will have 7 minutes to present to your tutor and another group. Practice your presentations in advance.

2. Final design fine-tuning

Tutorial 8 is also a final polishing of your design. Make sure that your design supports your idea. Are the colors, shapes, graphic design, style of photography, illustrations, etc. in alignment with your idea? Re-visit the lecture by Helena Leach where she explains how an idea/ identity is translated into design. The submitted material should be fine tuned and aligned with your concept.

Lärare Jelena Mijanovic skapade sidan 15 oktober 2015

Lärare Jelena Mijanovic ändrade rättigheterna 18 oktober 2015

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av lärare.
kommenterade 19 oktober 2015

Is there a schedule for this tutorial? 

Lärare kommenterade 19 oktober 2015

Yes, you will find the schedule for this tutorial in the same location as the rest of the tutorials on Social, Course description, Tutorials.

Lärare Jelena Mijanovic ändrade rättigheterna 9 juli 2016

Kan därmed läsas av alla och ändras av alla inloggade användare.