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Tutorial 1: Project Structure

1. A Group Contract 

- Read the book "Creating effective teams" or another book about team-work.

- Find examples of good group contracts online and use them as inspiration for writing your own.

- Write a group contract that will serve as a base for how the group works together in the course. The main purpose for establishing a group contract is that all group members agree on goals and practices for the future work. The creation of a group contract leads to discussion and reflection on issues that are important for the group's work and happiness. When developing the group contract, it is important that everyone in the group is actively involved and that account is taken of all team members' views and wishes. A group contract should be signed by all project members. The following areas could be part of what is agreed upon in the group contract:

  • Goals and expectations on the course, project and group participants
  • Working methods, division of labor and group structure
  • Standards in the project - agreement on good group behaviour
  • Violation of the rules of the group contract
  • Terms and conditions

2. A detailed project time-plan

The course runs at half speed which corresponds to 20 hours/week/student. Create a time-plan including these hours, submissions, project dead-lines, etc. Each group is free to decide the exact content of their plan. Look at other project time-plans to find inspiration and guidelines. Make sure your project time-plan is a useful working tool for you, with an easy system for updates and accessibility for all group members. The project time-plan will be evaluated at the final stage in the course called Reflection. TA HÄNSYN TILL ÖVRIGA KURSER OCH ANDRA PRIVATA ÅTAGANDEN SOM KOMMER ATT PÅVERKA TEAM ARBETET. MÅSTE BLI GRAFISK FORM, VISUELLT.

3. A weekly reflection of the group dynamics

Submit a summary on how the group has worked during the past week. What has worked well and what has not? What do you need to change in order to improve the efficiency and well-being of the group? PLEASE FILL IN THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT.

4. Feed-back on another group's submission of Tutorial 1

Your feed-back should be uploaded next to the group's number that you are giving feed-back to. This should be done right after the Tutorial session is finished.

5. Attendance

Fill out and submit the attendance sheet below.


Lärare Jelena Mijanovic skapade sidan 31 augusti 2015

Lärare Jelena Mijanovic ändrade rättigheterna 9 juli 2016

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