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Ethics and Sustainability

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Overview and Schedule for ak204v HT2020

This course is developed for professional engineers with an interest in ethical aspects of technology development and technology use.  The course is a mix of ethical theory and applied discussions and cases with a focus on sustainability (social and environmental).  The course will be taught in English over Zoom.

Once the course starts the students will get access to the Canvas page with more detailed information  


16/11 10:15-12:00 Introduction to value sensitive design (VSD) + group work on cases with envisioning cards (lecture)

19/11 10:15-12:00 Gene editing technology and ethics (lecture)

23/11 10:15-12:00 Responsibility and professional ethics (seminar)

26/11 10:15-12:00 Privacy and data sharing (lecture)

30/11 10:15-12:00 Environmental ethics (lecture)

7/12 10:15-12:00 Moral off-setting (seminar)


Intended learning outcomes

 After completing it, students should:

- be able to discuss and analyse, in writing and orally, ethical problems that may arise in engineering work,

- within some engineering or technological field, in a more advanced way be able to analyse ethical problems,

- be able to reflect on what professional engineers might contribute to social sustainability 




For Pass you need to

  1. Attend all lectures and seminars as well as the Peer-review session.
  2. Fulfill the requirement for the Assignments.

If you cannot attend lectures or seminars or fail to submit the assignments before the deadlines you will have to make extra assignments.

Your main assignment is to write an essay where you apply Value sensitive design to a technology of your choice (this can be an existing technology or one that is currently in the early stages of development).
