
The course starts with an introduction in which we present frameworks for understanding and analyzing business models. In the introduction, we also set the new scene for contemporary business development processes by drawing attention to digital transformation processes and how they affect e.g. business modeling processes.

The rest of the course is divided into six themes of business development focusing on understanding customers, marketing and business ecosystems (including also organizational challenges.) Each of the six themes focuses on central business development challenges and dilemmas with business model changes, many of which are associated with digital transformation.

Two Introduction Themes 

1.Introduction to Digital Transformation

Andersson, P. and Rosenqvist, C.. (2018), “Strategic Challenges of Digital Innovation and Transformation”, (Chapter 1) in: Andersson, P. et al (eds), Managing Digital Transformation, The Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR) (Links to an external site.), Stockholm School of Economics: Stockholm.

Andersson, P. and Mattsson, L.G. (2018), “Digital Transformation Supporting Public Service Innovation – Business Model Challenges and Sustainable Development Opportunities”, (Chapter 11) in: Andersson, P. et al (eds), Managing Digital Transformation, The Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR) (Links to an external site.), Stockholm School of Economics: Stockholm.

2.Introduction to Business Models 

Casadesus-Masanell, R. & Ricart, J.E., (2010) “From Strategy to Business Models and onto Tactics”, Long Range Planning 2010. (PA)

Eisenmann, T., Parker, G., Van Alstyne, M.W. “Strategies for two sided Markets”, Harvard Business Review, Oct 2006, pp. 92-101

Kavadias, S. et al (2016), “The Transformative Business Model”, Harvard Business Review, Oct 2016, pp. 91-98.

Munoz, P. & Cohen, B. (2018), “A Compass for Navigating Sharing Economy Business Models”, California Management Review, Vol. 61(1) 114–14

Osterwalder, A. Pinneur, Y. & Tucci, C (2005) “Clarifying Business Models: Origins, Present, and Future of the Concept”, Communications of AIS, Vol 15.


Six Business Creation Themes

1. New Customer and Exchange Behaviour

Cova, B. and Cova, V. 2002. 'Tribal marketing: The tribalisation of society and its impact on the conduct of marketing.' European Journal of Marketing 36(5/6): 595-221. (Seminar 1)

Perren and Kozinetts (2018), "Lateral Exchange Markets: How Social Platforms Operate in a Networked Economy", Journal of Marketing Vol. 82 (January), 20–36 (Seminar 1)

Edelman et al (2015), “Competing on customer journeys: you have to create new value at every step”, Harvard Business Review, Vol. 93 Issue 11, pp.88-98 

2. Understanding Customer Value

Smith, J.B. & Colgate, M.(2007) “Customer Value Creation: A Practical Framework”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice; Winter 2007; 15, 1. (Seminar 2)

Anderson, J. C., Narus J. A. and van Rossum, W. 2006. 'Customer value propositions in business markets.' Harvard Business Review 84(3): 91-99. (Seminar 2)

3.Developing Value Offerings: Digitalization and Servitization

Genzlinger et al (2020), "Servitization in the automotive industry: How car manufacturers become mobility service providers", Strategic Change. Mar2020, Vol. 29 Issue 2, p215-226 (Seminar 3)

Ramaswamy, V. & Ozcan, K. (2018), “Offerings as Digitalized Interactive Platforms: A Conceptual Framework and Implications”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 82 (July 2018), 19–31 (Seminar 3)

4.Marketing and the Transfer of Value offerings

Read, S., et al. 2009. 'Marketing Under Uncertainty: The Logic of an Effectual Approach.' Journal of Marketing 73(5): 1-18.

Eckhardt, G.M. (2019), "Marketing in the Sharing Economy", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 83(5) 5-27 (Seminar 4)

Hagberg et al (2016), "The digitalization of retailing: an exploratory framework ", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 44 Iss 7 pp. 694 – 712 (Seminar 4)

5.Business Creation, Digitalization and Intra-Organizational Challenges

O’Reilly, C.A. Tushman, M.L. (2004). “The ambidextrous organization”, Harvard Business Review, April: 74-83. (Seminar 5)

Rigby, D.K. et al (2018), “Agile at a Scale”, Harvard Business Review, May-June 2018, pp. 88-96. + Kniberg, H. (2014), "Spotify: A Scrum@Scale Case Study" (Seminar 5)

6.Business Creation, Innovation and Positioning in New Market Ecosystems

Akrich, M., Callon, M. and Latour, B. 2002. 'Key to Success in Innovation Part I: The Art of Interessement.' International Journal of Innovation Management 6(2): 187-206

Andersson, P. and L-G. Mattsson, (2015),"Service innovations enabled by the “internet of things”", IMP Journal, Vol. 9 Iss 1 pp. 85 – 106 

Hackling (2013), Strategic Choices in Converging Industries, Fall 2013 MIT Sloan Management Review, pp. 64-73 

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