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March 2015
23 March 10.52
| Chong Qi (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Dear all, Thank you for choosing the course theoretical nuclear physics SH2011. I hope you are aware that we ...
March 2014
24 March 17.00
| Chong Qi (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
The schedule for 2014 Mon 24 mar 13:15-15:0027th March 13:15-15:00Tue 1 apr 13:15-15:00April 2, ...
24 March 15.43
| Chong Qi (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Presentation (March 24)
23 March 17.26
| Chong Qi (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Dear all, We will have the first lecture tomorrow between 1300-1500 in the seminar room of the KTH nuclear ...
19 March 09.23
| Chong Qi (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Dear all, Welcome to the Theoretical Nuclear Physics course. We will have the first lecture on Monday next ...
May 2013
09 May 21.51
| Chong Qi (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Dear all, Here I attach the presentations we gave last Wednesday. Neutrino physics Two-particle excitation
06 May 16.42
| Chong Qi (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Dear all, Here I attach a slightly improved version of Chapter 7 and the presentation we give today. Chapter ...
02 May 17.04
| Chong Qi (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Dear all, Here I send you the presentations Chapter 9 that we discussed today. Presentation 7, May 2 ...
April 2013
23 April 20.58
| Chong Qi (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
Dear all, Here I send you Chapter 5 and the presentation. Chapter 5 Presentation 4, April 23
November 2012
08 November 12.05
| Chong Qi (Teacher)
| Accessible to the whole world
The new round will start in April, 2013. Please keep an eye on the page ...