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Nanophotonics and Bionanophotonics

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Please find more info about SK2560 at Canvas (including course materials).

Photonics/biophotonics is the science of generating and harnessing light to image, detect, and manipulate biological materials within the range from individual biomolecules, through cells, to tissue, blood, and whole organs. Nanomaterial-based photonics/biophotonics is believed to be the disruptive technology that will dramatically impact biomedical technologies by providing new and powerful diagnostic techniques, as well as light-guided and activated therapies.

SK2560 has been being under constant development since 2013.

The course has been greatly appreciated by participants. Below are some citations from Course evaluation/questionnaire: What is (are) thing(s) that you appreciated about the course?


  • Latest on research and applications, not purely theoretical aspects
  • Det var kul att kunna se exemple från verkligheten. Du var bra på att förklar.
  • Course really centered on physical aspects, which is really enjoyable, not too much maths
  • the teacher is very nice in person and very cooperative that helped a lot in learning and asking questions. Amazing teacher indeed!


  • More stress on the practical application of the theory; Lab sessions were interesting.
  • The lab, the very complete/clear equation slide, the home work, how about we studied is well related to many devices.
  • The Lectures (teacher). I like really his lectures; The Labs.
  • I really appreciated the microscopy lab, and homework was useful. The last lectures about applications were interesting.

In 2019 spring semester questionnaire of Master's Programme in Engineering Physics at KTH (Magnus Andersson, Programme director), I have got the following comments from participants of the course

  • I have very passionate teachers this period! I would like to thank both Ying Fu and Val Zwiller for their enthusiasm and for the nice environment in their lectures.
  • I also love the evaluation system of SK2560. It is based on a lot of homework, different kinds of lab sessions and a rather progressive final exam, where we can bring everything we want, computer included. I think it is good to start leaving the books behind and finally have a taste of how the real world works.

SK2560 consists of four main parts:

  • Quantum mechanical description of light-matter interaction in nanostructure
  • Nanophotonics: Subwavelength light control; numerical simulation of light-matter interaction in nanostructure
  • Nanotechnology for Biophotonics: Ultra-fast, ultra-intensive, ultra-sensitive optical imaging; Quantum dots in biosensing, bioimaging, and drug delivery
  • AI/machine learning for bioimaging processing

SK2560 is given as a series of lectures, one computer lab exercise (lecture room) and one experimental lab exercise (SciLifeLab), where the participants have an active role.
