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School RecepIntroduction

Welcome to the School Introduction on August 23rd at 10.00 in lecture hall Q1. The slides will be published here then. If you cannot attend we will offer another meeting on Monday the 29th at 17.15.

School RecepIntroduction for new exchange students At the start of the term all incoming exchange students are invited to the School ReceptIntroductiion at the KTH school they belong to.

The international coordinators will give a lot of important information regarding your studies at KTH. Please make sure to attend the School RecepIntroduction - it will make your start at KTH easier.

The Student chapters are invited to this meeting as well and provide information regarding their activities.

General information regarding arrival and introduction for all new students at KTH: https://www.kth.se/en/student/newatkth/exchange-student/arrival-and-introduction-1.710093