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Här visas ändringar i "Student discount card" mellan 2019-02-15 10:05 av Sara Sjögren och 2019-02-28 13:37 av Manja Schubert.

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Student discount card

All students registered at a Swedish university and who take at least 22,5 ECTS credits in one semester receives a student discount card. The student discount card gives you certain discounts for example at the local transportation card in Stockholm (SL-card).

To receive your student discount card, there are a few steps you need to take:

* You need to send us your course selections
* You need to register online for your courses
* You need to change your address at your pages at kth.se to your Swedish address
You will receive your student discount card a few weeks after you have taken these steps.

It is the Student Union at KTH, THS, which handle the orders of the student discount cards.

More information is published here: https://ths.kth.se/general/ths-membership/student-card/¶

Please contact the Student Union if you have any questions about the card, karx@ths.kth.se . You can also visit the Student Union expedition in Nymble.

Please note that the access card (a white card that gives you access to the university buildings) and the student discount card are two different cards.