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FEO3120 From Research to Impact

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It is planned to give this course in VT 2020 again.

Abstract: The course aims at providing PhD students with the necessary skills in how to move research up on the technological readiness level (TRL) ladder, and on how to communicate research findings in an effective manner. The students will use their own research results as working material.

Keywords: Technological readiness level, lead user, technology transfer, value proposition, exploitation plan, research communication, outreach activity, pitch presentation, press release

Learning outcomes: After the course the student should be able to

  1. systematically assess and plan how to move technology research outcomes ahead on the TRL ladder.
  2. concisely present their research in various formats to a specific target audience.

Credits: 3 hp - class 1 graduate course: General skills

Course responsible: Tobias Oechtering, Wouter van der Wijngaart

In Nov 2017, KTH news Campi wrote about the course (link to article). Please also have a look at some highlights of the first course round including student feedback (link to page).