Studio #8 A Common Urbanity

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Elevado São Paulo

Asserting the value of incomplete form is a political act
architects should perform in the public realm. This means
asserting not only the beauty of unfinished objects but
also their practicality. It is a political act because it confronts
the desire for fixity; it asserts, (...) that the public realm is
a process. – Richard Sennett

This year, Studio #8 will explore the concept of a common urbanity. At varied speeds cities are in transformation, be it a process of becoming sustainable or the need to sustain itself. A new type of urbanity is forming in cities that may be a result of many tipping points, where social production responds directly to the various needs of their territories, from the urgency of providing for basic physical needs of housing to the creation of new kinds of cultural and social spaces. The individual has gained unprecedented importance because of its role amongst the many, with their connectedness their most important asset. At the same time, having shifted to the east, modes of production and manufacturing promote greater and greater independence from geographical location. In this context we would like to re-consider the city and re-invent it as the space of production for the future, of forms of manufacturing products and of the artistic production of culture that can inform and construct the collective.

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