Böcker och kapitel i böcker
Böcker och kapitel i böcker
E. Smeds,
"Urban transport experimentation - a network or hybrid governance process?,"
i Handbook of Transportation and Public Policy, Anthony Perl, Rosalie Ray, Louise Reardon red., London : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025.
V. Ceccato,
Säkra städer : Aktivt arbete mot brottskoncentration.
1. uppl. Stockholm : Studentlitteratur AB, 2024.
J. Metzger och J. Hillier,
"Bugs in the smart city: A proposal for going upstream in human-mosquito co-becoming,"
i Designing More-than-Human Smart Cities: Beyond Sustainability, Towards Cohabitation, : Oxford University Press, 2024, s. 147-165.
"FAQ frequently asked questions : Vanliga frågor om hållbar konsumtion - och forskarna svar,"
, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2410, 2024.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
"Revisiting the theoretical foundations of risky places,"
i Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places, 1. uppl. New York : Routledge, 2024, s. 40-67.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places.
1. uppl. New York : Routledge, 2024.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
"Introducing risky places for crime,"
i Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places, New York : Routledge, 2024, s. 1-20.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
"Identifying risky facilities,"
i Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places, 1. uppl. New York : Routledge, 2024, s. 68-84.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
"Analyzing risky nodes,"
i Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places, 1. uppl. New York : Routledge, 2024, s. 85-109.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
"Unraveling risky paths and journeys,"
i Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places, 1. uppl. New York : Routledge, 2024, s. 110-133.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
"Discovering opportunities for actions in risky places,"
i Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places, 1. uppl. New York : Routledge, 2024, s. 134-153.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
"Re-framing methods for systems thinking for risky places,"
i Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places, 1. uppl. New York : Routledge, 2024, s. 154-183.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
"Exemplifying the governance of risky places,"
i Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places, 1. uppl. New York : Routledge, 2024, s. 184-208.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
"Activating systems thinking for sustainable crime prevention,"
i Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places, 1. uppl. New York : Routledge, 2024, s. 209-227.
V. Ceccato och A. Newton,
"Thinking in risky places as systems,"
i Systems Thinking for Sustainable Crime Prevention : Planning for Risky Places, 1. uppl. : Routledge, 2024, s. 21-39.
V. Ceccato,
"Urban safety as aprerequisite for reducedstress and recoveryopportunities in the city of tomorrow : Reflections beyond genderneutralplanning practices,"
i Creating Urban and Workplace Environments to Promote Recovery and Well-being, Stephan Pauleit, Michael Kellmann, Jürgen Beckmann red., 1. uppl. New York : Routledge, 2024.
P. Ressano Garcia et al.,
Along the waterfront : Cities in Europe facing climate change.
Rotterdam : Stichting Open Access Platforms. SOAP, 2024.
V. Ceccato,
"Urban safety as a prerequisite for reduced stress and recovery opportunities in the city of tomorrow : Reflections beyond gender-neutral planning practices,"
i Creating Urban and Workplace Environments for Recovery and Well-being : New Perspectives on Urban Design and Mental Health, : Informa UK Limited, 2024, s. 199-214.
D. Prakash,
"A clean slate : Metaphors and the smart city in India,"
i Metaphorical Practices in Architecture : Metaphors as Method and Subject in the Production of Architecture, : Taylor and Francis, 2023, s. 209-224.
K. Isaksson, L. Eriksson och J. Witzell,
"Discursive power dynamics affecting how climate targets are framed and integrated in national transport planning : The case of Sweden,"
i Discourse Analysis in Transport and Urban Development : Interpretation, Diversity and Controversy, Robin Hickman, Christine Hannigan red., : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, s. 39-51.