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A. Rex och H. Westlund, "Coworking and local development outside metropolitan areas in Sweden," Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 105, 2024.
V. Ceccato, C. Sundling och G. Gliori, "What makes a railway station safe and for whom? : The impact of transit environments on passengers’ victimisation and safety perceptions," European Transport Research Review, vol. 16, no. 1, 2024.
J. Lindblad et al., "Maintaining the good store : lessons about caring practices from Swedish 100-year-old retail stores," International Review of Retail Distribution & Consumer Research, s. 1-19, 2024.
V. Ceccato och L. S. Simões Agapito, "Hate-motivated crimes in Brazil : an overview of crimes against LGBTQI+ people," Safer Communities, vol. 23, no. 3, s. 233-243, 2024.
E. Eneqvist, "When innovation comes to town—the institutional logics driving change in municipalities," Public Money & Management, vol. 44, no. 5, s. 349-357, 2024.
V. Ceccato et al., "Shootings across the rural–urban continuum," Crime Science, vol. 13, no. 1, 2024.
G. Moreira och V. Ceccato, "Increase of fear of crime in rural Brazil and police legitimacy," Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 110, 2024.
V. Ceccato och P. Brantingham, "What is the role of architects and urban planners in crime prevention?Â," Security Journal, 2024.
V. Ceccato et al., "Changing environments to promote safety in libraries," European Journal of Criminology, 2024.
V. Ceccato och J. Westman, "Where Does Firearm-Related Violence Occur in Cities?," Journal of Planning Literature, s. 1-18, 2024.
I. Ioannidis et al., "Using remote sensing data to derive built-form indexes to analyze the geography of residential burglary and street thefts," Cartography and Geographic Information Science, s. 1-17, 2024.
C. Sundling, V. Ceccato och G. Gliori, "Disability, victimisation, and safety in train travel," Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, vol. 25, 2024.
G. Moreira och V. Ceccato, "Increase of fear of crime in rural Brazil and police legitimacy," Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 110, 2024.
V. Ceccato et al., "Comparing responses from a paper‑based survey with a web‑based survey in environmental criminology," Crime Prevention & Community Safety, vol. 26, no. 2, s. 216-243, 2024.
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