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Short CV


2021 (November) – present, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Professor at the Department of Chemistry (School of Chemistry, CHE)

2013 (October) – 2021 (November), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Associate Professor (universitetslektor) at the Department of Chemistry (School of Chemistry, CHE)

2010 (August) – present, Uppsala University

Assistant Professor (Forskarassistent) at the Department of Biochemistry & Organic Chemistry. Support: Funded by Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council)

2007 – 2010, University of Gothenburg
Post-doctoral fellow at Medicinal Chemistry, Department of Chemistry
Support: Funded by European Commission, Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Morten Grøtli

2006 – 2007 Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Post-doctoral fellow at Center for Catalysis, Department of Chemistry
Support: Wenner-Gren foundation, Advisor: Prof. Karl Anker Jørgensen

2005 – 2006, University of Gothenburg
Research and teaching at Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry
Research group: Prof. Per Ahlberg

2000 (May) - 2005 (May), University of Gothenburg
Ph. D. in Organic Chemistry/Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry
Thesis: "Alkane activation by superacids and enantioselective reactions with chiral lithium amide - computational and experimental mechanistic studies" Dissertation: May 13, 2005, Supervisor: Prof. Per Ahlberg

1995-1999, University of Gothenburg, Department of Chemistry
Diploma Work: An Improved Mechanism for the Ozonolysis of Simple Alkenes – A Theoretical investigation. 20 credits, 1999. Supervisor: Prof. Dieter Cremer


KTH (2014-)

Advanced Organic Chemistry (KD2310), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Chemistry, Second Cycle (KD200X), examiner | Course web

Organic Chemistry (KH1121), assistant

Organic Chemistry, Basic Concepts and Practice (KD1230), examiner, course responsible

Organic Chemistry, Basic Concepts and Practice 2 (KD1270), examiner, course responsible

Selective organic synthesis, theory (CE2385), teacher, assistant

Uppsala university, 2010-2013

Grundläggande kemi I (autumn 2010, 2011)

Chemical Molecular Design, 1KB453 (master course, spring 2011, 2012, 2013)

Coordination and organometallic chemistry (master course, spring 2011)

General Organic chemistry (graduate course, spring 2011)

Nanobioteknik (7.5 hp, autumn 2011, 2012)

Chemical Libraries and efficient synthesis (15 hp, master course, 2011, 2012)

Namereactions (graduate course, summer–autumn 2012)


Head of Division of Organic Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), 2015 (March)

Docent in Organic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), 2013 (Dec)

Director of Graduate Studies, Department of Chemistry–BMC, Uppsala University, 2012 (Oct)

Deputy Member of the Board of the Department of Chemistry–BMC, Uppsala University, 2012

Chair of the Board of the Junior Faculty, Uppsala University, 2012

Member of the Akademiska senaten, Uppsala University, 2011 (autumn)–present

Member of the Board of the Junior Faculty, Uppsala University, 2010-2012