Polytopes and friends
A three-day conference on Polytope Theory
KTH, December 9-11 2024.

The theme of this conference is all aspects of polytope theory and its interactions with neighboring areas including matroid theory, algebraic statistics, topological combinatorics, algebraic geometry and more.
The conference will take place at KTH in Stockholm, starting early afternoon on December 9 and ending at noon on December 11.
Alex Black (ETH Zürich)
Georg Loho (University of Twente/FU Berlin)
Vincent Pilaud (Universitat de Barcelona)
Irem Portakal (MPI Leipzig)
Jacinta Torres (Jagiellonian University Krakow)
Eleni Tzanaki (University of Crete)
Lorenzo Venturello (University of Siena)
Registration is now closed.
Deadline for registration was on November 8.
How to reach us
The most convenient way to get to KTH is with the tunnelbana (metro) red line (number 14, towards Mörby Centrum). Hop off the train at the station Tekniska Högskolan, walk through the main gates on Lindstedtvägen and enter building E on your left. This map shows the position of the E building (in blue!) and of the mathematics department (in orange!).
From the airport, you can reach the city by taxi/uber, bus , train or express train . For a cheaper option, you can also use only a single-journey ticket: take a bus (583 for example) to Märsta station, and then directly take a train from Märsta station to T-centralen (or whichever stop suits you). Note that not all options are available late at night. See also the travel information from the Department of Mathematics at KTH.
The registration and all the talks will be held in room E32
All the fikas and the poster session will be held in the lunch room of the Department of Mathematics.
Lunch options
Lunch on tuesday is self organized. Here are some options close to campus:
- There are two buffet restaurants on campus: Q and Brazilia
- Valhallavägen is the main street right outside the campus, with plenty of options for both takeaway and seated restaurants.
You can find all the abstracts here
Day 1 | |
14:00-14:30 | Registration |
14:30-15:30 | Georg Loho: Lower bounds for neural networks via polyhedral geometry |
15:30-16:00 | Fika |
16:00-17:00 | Poster Session |
17:00-18:00 | Irem Portakal: Exploring equilibria in game theory with polytopes |
Day 2 | |
9:30-10:30 | Alex Black: Shadows of Polytopes |
10:30-11:00 | Fika |
11:00-12:00 | Eleni Tzanaki: Upper bounds on the number of faces of the Minkowski sum of polytopes |
12:00-12:10 | Conference picture! |
12:10-14:00 | Lunch |
14:00-15:00 | Vincent Pilaud: Wigglyhedra |
15:00-15:30 | Fika |
15:30-18:30 | Time for Discussions |
18:30 | Dinner |
Day 3 | |
9:30-10:30 | Jacinta Torres: A new branching model via lattice points in flagged hive polytopes |
10:30-11:00 | Fika |
11:00-12:00 | Lorenzo Venturello: Two graphs polytopes |
12:00 | Good Bye and Hej då! |
Community agreement
- Our goal is to create a fun and supportive environment, where all participants feel welcome, safe, and included, regardless of mathematical background, gender identity and expression, nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, age, disability, or any other factor.
- We strongly believe that all participants have something valuable to contribute to the meeting, regardless of background or level of experience, and encourage everyone to ask questions and share ideas throughout all parts of the meeting. In particular, there are no questions that are “too basic”, and it’s perfectly natural to make mistakes. We also encourage everyone to be open to other people’s ideas, and make sure that everyone is heard and included in group discussions.
- There will be space on the name tags where everyone can indicate their personal gender pronouns if they want to, and it's important that this is respected. If you are unfamiliar with the practice of sharing and using pronouns, here is a useful guide .
- If you witness harassment or discriminatory behaviour, please consider intervening. We need the whole community to work together to make this event the welcoming and rewarding experience for all that we strive to achieve. If you do not feel comfortable intervening yourself, please seek out an organizer.
This agreement is based on the community agreements of FPSAC'23 UC Davis, Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria and the 2021 Minicourse on Convex Geometry given at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.
Danai Deligeorgaki (KTH)
Aryaman Jal (KTH)
Katharina Jochemko (KTH)
Lorenzo Vecchi (KTH)
for any questions, please write to lvecchi -at- kth -dot- se