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Northern Nations, Northern Natures

Both Canada and Scandinavia have long traditions of thinking and writing about northern environments – and of conceptualizing northern spaces as particularly national. What are the important differences and similarities between research traditions on opposite sides of the Atlantic? And what can we learn from each other?

Tid: Lö 2013-11-09 - Må 2013-11-11

Plats: TBA

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In order to address these and other issues, on November 9-11 the Division will host a workshop titled Northern Nations, Northern Natures, bringing together scholars from Canada and Scandinavia working on environmental history in the world’s northern regions.

In addition to a series of lectures from senior researchers, PhD students from Canada, Sweden, and Finland will present research in progress. The aim is to help build a trans-Atlantic network – particularly for graduate students and early-career scholars – with an eye to future collaborations and exchanges.

The workshop is made possible by funding from Formas  and NiCHE  (the Network in Canadian History and Environment) and is organized by Peder Roberts (KTH) and Tina Adcock (University of Maine). Keep an eye out for a series of blog posts from the workshop on NiCHE’s website, The Otter , and here on the Division’s website.