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SweGRIDS Conference, 2012

On 13th December 2012 the first SweGRIDS conference was held.  SweGRIDS projects were presented by poster, and an example from each research area was presented orally also.  Research directors from ABB and Vattenfall presented the research challenges within Smart Grids that their companies are currently working on. The programme of the conference can be seen here (pdf 95 kB) .  The full presentation from Vattenfall can be seen  here (pdf 2.6 MB) .


The Poster Prize was intended for one poster, judged by representatives from the SweGRIDS sponsors. It turned out that the posters of Fang Mao and Martin Wåhlander tied in the judging, so two prizes were given.

Some of the posters can be viewed below.  Not all the presented posters are available here.  (For example, in some cases the research is not yet ready for open release, due to publications at the stage of submission.)

Pricing Schemes for Dealing with Limited Transmission Capacity – A Comparative Study.   Mahir Sarfati.
Transmission pricing in the presence of large amounts of renewable energy.   Kristina Östman.
Quantitative Analysis of Aggregator Business Cases in the Future Smart Grid Environment.   Claes Sandels.
Reliability Analysis of Substation Automation System Functions using Probabilistic Relational Models.   Johan König.
ALV – Active Low Voltage Networks.   Mikel Armendariz.
Effect of Transformer Windings on the Transient Response of Power Transformer Bushings.   Roya Nikjoo.
A Hybrid Switch Consisting of a Mechanical Device and Power-Electronics.   Jesper Magnusson.
Loadability and scaling aspects of Thomson based ultra-fast actuators.   Ara Bissal.
Gas Generation (Ablation) of Polymers Exposed to High Energy Electric Arcs.   Venkatesh Doddapaneni.
Multilevel Inverters for Wave Power Conversion [Not presented at the conference 2012].   Deepak Soman.
Thermal 3D-modelling of passively-cooled offshore power electronics for Wave Power.   Antoine Baudoin.
Magnetic thrust bearing for generators, improving hydropower storage facilities.   Jose Perez-Lloya.
Quinone-Pyrrole-Polymer Materials for Organic Matter Based Energy Storage.   Henrik Olsson.
Isoindole-4,7-dione Polymers As Candidates For Organic Lithium Ion Battery Cathodes.   Christoffer Karlsson.
Combinatorial Materials Science for Time-saving and Economical Development of Electric Contacts in the Smart Grids.   Fang Mao.