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SweGRIDS Conference, 2020

Due to the Covid-19 situation at the time, the 2020 conference was held online.

final-program flyer (pdf 141 kB)

Final schedule:

  •  9:30 Mingle and test of technology

  •  10:00 Opening of the conference - Lina Bertling Tjernberg Moderator

  • 10:05 Welcome - Alireza Nami, Chair of SweGRIDS

  • 10:10 The SweGRIDS program - Rajeev Thottappillil, Director

  • 10:20 Pitch project presentations

  • 12:20 Lunch Break

  • 13:00 Invited key note lecturer: Bo Normark, Industrial Strategy EIT InnoEnergy.

  • 13:20 Group meetings in Zoom per the four project themes

  • 14:00 Summary discussion from group meetings

  • 14.40 Industrial pitch of ideas future ideas of projects

  • 15.00-15:30 Closure with award for the best PhD student pitch

Key note lecture
Batteries are building a new power system a new industry in Europe
Bo Normark, Industrial Strategy EIT InnoEnergy
Batteries have the potential to transform the power, industry and transport sectors. We can now see a dramatic market increase for Battery Electric Vehicles. This is driving an unprecedented cost reduction for batteries that also will benefit other applications. The power sector is one of those where the market is still grossly underestimated. The presentation discusses what constitutes “Market Tipping Points” but also how an entirely new battery industry is being built in Europe.