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Welcome to the Wallenberg Center for Protein Research

The Wallenberg Center for Protein Research is a research center established in cooperation between KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Uppsala University and Chalmers Technical University. The center is mainly funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

The mission of the center is to further develop the resource of knowledge and reagents from the Human Protein Atlas  to study the human proteome, in particular of relevance for human health, and to develop platforms for efficient production of biopharmaceuticals.

Two of the programs are co-funded by AstraZeneca and one of the programs is also a collaboration with the Center for Biosustainability at the Danish Technical University (DTU) and funded by Novo Nordisk Foundation.

The center includes the following programs:

Development of Cell Factories for Bioproduction
Developing innovative platforms for production of biopharmaceuticals.

Cell Factories for the Human Secretome
Providing recombinant proteins for research, drug development, and diagnostic applications.

Next Generation Antibody Therapeutics
Devising new concepts for therapeutic antibodies.

Systems Biology of the Druggable proteome
Integrating omics technologies to explore the druggable proteome.

Subcellular Proteome
Creation of a Cell Atlas for the localization of human proteins in human cells.

Tissue Proteome
Creation of a Tissue Atlas for the localization of human proteins in human tissue and organs.