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Bike2Green - Nudging social acceptance of green transition to active mobility

Bike2Green is a EU funded project led by KTH in collaboration with FB Innovation Soceita A Responsabilita Limitata Semplificata, Italy and European Cyclists Federation ASBL, Belgium.


While the majority of the population in the European Union can ride a bike and even own a personal bike, urban cycling on a daily basis is still lagging behind despite the implementation of several measures and investments on urban cycling infrastructures.

Bike2Green aims to speed up social acceptance of the transition to cleaner and environmentally sustainable mobility, through patented system of monitoring and gamification of urban bicycle rides. Citizen’s engagement through social gamification and behavioural nudging initiative will investigate the social acceptance and behavioural changes for more sustainable modes of transport. The role of incentives and gamification in promoting sustainable mobility transition will be explored qualitative and quantitative analyses, which will provide feedback to policy makers and mobility managers to (re-/up-)scaling and (re-)training needs stemming from the new, green or digital product, service and technology.