Dancers and composers interpret climate change research
On the 5th of May, dancers and composers presented their work interpreting climate change research for a crowd at KTH Reactor Hall.
KTH NAVET centre for research in Art, Technology and Design, in collaboration with KTH Climate Action Centre, and KTH Energy Platform held an event on "Dance and Music and Climate Change'' at KTH Reactor Hall. 18 dancers from the SKH Bachelor Programme in Dance Performance, 5 composers from KMH Bachelor Programme in Electroacoustic Music Composition, 1 composer from KMH Bachelor Programme in Music and Media Production, and 2 students from the KTH Master Programme in Interactive Media Technology presented short dance choreographies for music compositions and sonifications based on climate change data. Recordings of the performances can be found at the NAVET youtube channel .
NAVET is a centre with the overarching goal of becoming a meeting place for research and projects in the intersection of art, technology and design, with the purpose of facilitating and creating opportunities for exchange and research collaboration among artists, designers, engineers, humanists, as well as natural and social scientists.