“Government is stealing candy from children of the future” – KTH researchers in debate article

The government gladly blames the voter's acceptance, or lack thereof, when climate politics is mentioned. But the truth is that our society is filled with laws and norms that some dislike – just look at the parking and building regulations. To equate the Swedish people's support with increases to the standard of living is a risky mistake, says two environmental professors at KTH.
KTH professors Göran Finnveden and Mattias Höjer have written a debate article in Dagens Nyheter where they question the government's climate politics, and discuss whether the Swedish people would accept the climate transformation that researchers all over the world is asking for. The article Regeringen stjäl godis från framtidens småbarn can be read via the following link: www.dn.se/debatt/regeringen-stjal-godis-fran-framtidens-smabarn/