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Alumni Associations

An Alumni Association is a group of alumni who either gather based on geographical location or based on a common interest. KTH Alumni associations provide valuable opportunities for alumni to network and build relationships in order to develop their careers. resources and experiences for alumni. The alumni organisation at KTH is happy to support the initiation of new alumni associations.

KTH Alumni

The KTH Alumni Network is aimed at enhancing professional networking amongst KTH-alumni. Join the KTH Alumni Network  and the KTH alumni LinkedIn group . There are also international alumni groups, find KTH alumni near you

Student Union Alumni Associations

THSthe Student Union at KTH and several THS Chapters have various alumni associations. Reach out to your former THS Chapter if you are interested. If you can't find the contact information, reach out to


KTH-X is the biggest alumni association at KTH. They are based in Stockholm and organise a variety of different activities such as seminars, study visits and lectures. Apply for membership on their website KTH-X .

KTH Alumni Student Ambassadors

This is a group for former student ambassadors or bloggers. Apply for a membership in their Facebook group Alumni Student Ambassadors  and in the the LinkedIn group KTH Alumni Ambassadors .

Start an Alumni Association

The Alumni Relations Office is happy to assist if you as a KTH-alum would like to start an alumni assocation. Please reach out to