Volunteering at KTH
Volunteering is not only a chance for you to give back to your alma mater. It is also a way for you to reconnect with KTH, benefit your organisation, further your professional development and create valuable networking opportunities.
Alumni volunteers who give their time and share experiences are critical for the continuous success of KTH. Regardless if you can spare a few hours, a single day, or make a more regular commitment, you can make a difference. You can volunteer in many ways, from giving a guest lecture and mentoring current students to setting up an alumni association.
To register your interest in volunteering, please send us an e-mail at alumni@kth.se and we will get in touch with you.

How to get involved
Alumni groups and chapters
Alumni groups provide valuable resources and experiences for alumni. They offer a chance to develop a career path, to build relationships, network and opportunities to have a good time. The groups are based on either a common interest, educational subject background or geographical location and are managed by alumni volunteers supported by the Alumni Relations Office.
The success of our international associations and chapters relies on the dedication of alumni volunteers to organise events, manage memberships and stay in touch with the university. If there are not enough alumni living in your area to sustain a new chapter you could become a Key Contact for your region.
Mentor a student
By engaging as a mentor, you contribute to a better and more qualitative study period for our students, at the same time as it is an opportunity to develop yourself. Your skills and your experiences from professional life and everyday life are both important and valuable in the mentoring role.
If you are living outside of Sweden and would like to help a KTH-student studying abroad to find their way in their new country, sign up to the KTH International Buddy Program
You can also sign up to the Alumni Mentorship Program . Contact alumni@kth.se for more information.
Guest lecturing
If you have valuable advice to offer students in your area of expertise, from your profession or the business you started, you are welcome to give a guest lecture to current students at KTH. Please contact alumni@kth.se if you want to sign up as a guest lecturer.
Advertise a degree project
The KTH Degree Project Portal is a platform where you can advertise degree project opportunities directed towards current students at KTH. Posting announcements is free of charge and an effective way to reach large numbers of students.
Organise a reunion
Whether it’s been five or fifty years since you studied here, getting your former classmates together for a reunion is a memorable experience. KTH Alumni office can help you with practical details, please contact us at alumni@kth.se .
KTH Alumni Advisory Board
The KTH Alumni Advisory Board advices KTH on alumni strategy and engagement.