Water Quality sensing technology for in-situ water quality measuring

Data is required to monitor the health of the Baltic Sea
Low-cost and modular sensing solutions for in situ and wireless multi-target analyses in water targets an intelligent sensing platform to quantify nutrients, pollutants and other parameters related to water quality assessment. Every sensing module can be used either separately or with maximised interoperability through new measuring platforms such as underwater drones, buoys and indeed combined with deployable platforms already existing in the end-user facilities, such as traditional CTDs probes or observation platforms. The new sensing techniques are a powerful solution for enhancing water cycle inspection beyond existing sampling-based methodologies.
The team consists of associate professor Maria Cuartero (project manager), associate professor Gaston A. Crespo (assistant project manager), doctor Andres Felipe Molina-Osorio and doctoral student Chen Chen. A post-doc researcher is to be recruited.