Open Researcher & Contributor ID (ORCID) is an international personal directory of researchers. Each researcher can get a unique ORCID id which can be used to facilitate and enable publishing and applications, which are beneficial to the KTH researchers and KTH.
Each researcher or doctoral student should create an ORCID id or connect a previous ORCID id to KTH.
If you are a researcher or doctoral student you can create an ORCID id. As a KTH researcher you should have an ORCID id, see decision UF-2013/0956 (pdf 346 kB) (only in Swedish).
Visit if you want to know more about ORCID.
Bibliometric analyzes and evaluation of KTH's research results are facilitated by ORCID ids. KTH sees ORCID as an internationally important initiative and would like to be an active partner in ORCID.
If you leave KTH you also loose access to your email account. One problem with this is that you cannot receive any reminders for your password to ORCID. Therefore, we recommend that you also register a personal email address, which you have access to if you leave KTH.
In order to ensure transparency, accessibility and impartiality ORCID is handled and managed by ORCID Inc., a non-profit organization with headquarters in the United States.
The information in ORCID is owned by ORCID Inc. However, you are as an individual KTH researcher responsible for the information on your ORCID profile.
Contact the library
We can can assist you in the publication process, with questions regarding open access publishing, research data, bibliometrics, and altmetrics.