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KTH policy for publishing

KTH strives to enhance the visibility of its research, making significant contributions not only to the global scientific community but also ensuring its impact resonates widely within society.

Since 2011 there is a policy about scientific publishing (the president's decision, V-2010-0482, UF-243):

  • It is the aim of KTH that KTH’s research should be made visible to the greatest extent possible, both to the international scientific community and to society in general.
  • KTH researchers are urged to publish their results in leading international scientific journals, or through other means of quality controlled publishing.
  • KTH researchers are urged to publish in freely available journals or open archives, so called open access. This can be done through publishing directly in well-reputed journals that practice open access, or through self-archiving in the KTH publication database DiVA . However, the researcher must ascertain that selfarchiving does not violate any agreement between the researcher and the publisher. KTH researchers should avoid entering agreements with journal publishers in which the publisher limits the possibilities for open access publishing.
  • Dissertations, student theses and other publications published by KTH should be published in DiVA as far as this does not meet with any copyright problems or other obstacles.
  • Bibliographic information regarding publications written by the researcher in his or her capacity as KTH employee should be registered in DiVA.
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology should be given as affiliation in all international publishing done in the researcher’s capacity as KTH employee. Furthermore, school, department or similar should be stated in accordance with the instructions in the KTH Graphic profile .
  • KTH researchers are also urged to contribute to popular research presentations.

Read more about how to publish.