Rhetoric and presentation skills
Whether you have a written or oral assignment during your course, our language and rhetoric tutors can help you hone your skills and improve your communication. We offer guidance, workshops and coaching for students at all levels of academic education and for all types of oral presentations.
During your education, you sometimes need to present projects and other tasks orally to an audience. With us, you can get help to plan, structure and practice before your presentations. You can get help in both Swedish and English.
As an engineer, it is important to be able to communicate your expertise in a clear and well-structured way. Regardless of whether you are an experienced speaker or suffer from presentation anxiety, it can therefore be good to practice and develop strategies to improve your oral communication. The earlier you visit us the better.

During the semesters, we offer workshops on various aspects of rhetoric and communication. The workshops are intended for students at Bachelor's or Master's level, or researchers and doctoral students at KTH.
Request a workshop
Students are also welcome to send an e-mail to cas-handledning@kth.se to requests workshops. Themes for workshops can be, for example, practicing your presentation (eg project presentation, report presentation or opposition talks) and learning to communicate in accordance with norms and conventions within a specific subject area.
Courses in rhetoric
KTH Language and Communication also offers credit-bearing courses in rhetoric (7.5 ECTS).